• Artificial Intelligence And Its Uses In Online Casinos

    It could be argued that the use of AI technology from the part of the online casinos, is not going to be for the benefit of the customer. After all, casinos are businesses and have a duty to make a profit. To that end it's hard to image any scenario where the iGaming industry allows AI to help players get a head of any casino game.

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  • The Future Of AI And Its Use In Online Casinos

    As technology advances at an ever-increasing rate, it's already possible that artificial intelligence could be playing a part in running online casino games. For some, the idea of AI brings to mind ideas of machines becoming sentient and taking over. But we don't imagine that happening with casino games. It will more than probably be used as a means of improving security as it can spot underlying patterns of betting behavior and therefore identify players who are cheating.

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  • A Concise Guide To Playing Texas Hold’em Poker

    Texas Hold'em poker is said to have originated in Rostown in Texas, hence the name. Wild Bill Hickok's timely death helped concrete the game's reputation as being a popular pastime in the late nineteenth century. Over time, this poker variation gradually moved across the US, where it finally ended up in the poker rooms of the mega-gambling resorts of Las Vegas. Now you can play this version of poker online at any number of websites that specialize in poker or online live dealer rooms.

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  • The Meaning Of Poker Nuts And More Poker Slang For Beginners

    All sports activities have their own jargon. A language that has developed over time so that those in the know understand what's going on to the exclusion of those not involved. Poker is no different. Over the years a distinct poker slang has formed. To the outside ear, these words and descriptions make little sense. If you're starting to learn the basics of poker, then learning the lingo should be a top priority. After all, with an understanding of the terms, you'll be a better poker player.

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  • Online Gambling Career – The Best Ways To Make A Living

    For the outsider looking in, an online gambling career looks like an amazing lifestyle. Part of the reason for this is that much is made to make the life of top gamblers seem very glamorous in order to attract new players into the casinos. In reality, life at the top is very hard. Consider that you're up against both the house edge in all games and other players in poker. You will need to play for long hours. And without a big bankroll, it will be hard to survive long enough to see a profit.

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