• Lucky Numbers – Their Origins And Use In Online Casino Games

    The idea lucky or unlucky number appears to be as old as time itself. After all, people have enjoyed reading all sorts of ideas into numbers, with many numerals considered to have particular powers. Historically speaking, life could be very hard for the vast majority of people, leading them to all sorts of means by which they might improve their tough lives. This included superstitions around numbers. Today, many of these myths still persist and you can witness them first-hand at the casino.

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  • Andrucci Betting System In Roulette – Does It Really Work?

    Because many casino games rely solely on luck, then many players are looking for any means of circumnavigating chance and finding real possibilities in patterns and outcomes. They hope that once they can spot some form of repetition, they can then utilise this to construct a winning method. The Andrucci betting system is one of these ideas that runs on hope. As opposed to any mathematical or real-world methodology. It claims to use Chaos Theory as its foundation. Unfortunately, it doesn't work.

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  • 7 Amazing Gambling Superstitions from China

    Scratch most Western gamblers and you'll find some forms of superstition driving their decision-making. But it's nothing compared to how much the Chinese rely on gambling superstition. Because they have an almost pathological love of gambling, and many are extremely poor, then it's no surprise that these ideas are so prevalent. Whereas in the west we might think of these things as silly, in China they at very serious about respecting the factors that might help them bring more luck to their game

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