• Haunted Casinos – Where The Ghosts Of Gamblers Still Wander

    When you consider that the US is made up entirely of immigrants, then you'll understand just how many bought their own superstitions and beliefs with them. And gamblers, playing their games that rely so much on luck, are probably the worst of the bunch. many will gamble with some illogical idea that by performing certain actions or repeating certain phrases or praying, they'll get closer to winning. So it's just a small step to believing that the ghosts of gamblers still stalk the haunted casinos.

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  • ATMs In Las Vegas – How To Avoid The High Withdrawal Fees

    For the more serious gambler, nothing is going to beat a holiday in Las Vegas. After all, the whole city is dedicated to pleasing you. But on the other hand, it's also dedicated to getting as much cash out of you. Though the games offered by different casinos will have similar betting table limits, the same can't be said when it comes to withdrawing cash from the city's ATMs. Probably the worst offenders are going to be the casinos themselves. All ATMs in casinos will charge exorbitant fees.

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