• Best-Kept Casino Secrets That Stop You Winning

    To stay in business, every casino, whether online or lamd-based, has to make a profit. For brick-and-mortar casinos, the running costs are astronomical. That's why players shouldn't expect to win. And why we all know the saying that the "house always wins." Simply put, if it didn't, then it would be out of business. So it's no surprise that casinos have a number of sneaky tricks and casino secrets up their sleeve to ensure they have a better chance to come out ahead of their players.

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  • Lost Casino Jobs – How Changing Times Changed The Workplace

    In many ways, there was something almost romantic about going to the casino in the Golden age of casino gambling. Just like today's casinos, there were a huge number of staff whose job was to ensure that every single need of the customers was taken care of. unfortunately, thanks to advancements in technology as well as new methods in management, many of these jobs have become redundant. So today, we look back to the glamour and glitz of these lost casino jobs.

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  • Bad Gambling Advice – The Information You Should Always Ignore

    Whether you're playing casino games online or at a brick-and-mortar casino, there's always going to be someone who knows it all. They can tell you the real score as far as how the casinos are trying to both rip off customers as well as offer them things in order that they'll keep gambling and spending. The problem with this is, that virtually all of this information is false ad simply a construct of an unhappy mindset. That's why we thought we'd look into the thinking processes of this gambler.

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  • Kicked Out Of The Casino – Things That Will Get You Thrown Out

    Brick and mortar casinos are private businesses and, to all intents and purposes, you're playing in them by invitation. So the minute you start to behave in a manner that's upsetting for the staff and the other patrons, then expect to be asked to leave the premises pronto. Whether you're being rude, noisey or trying your hardest to cheat, it will not end well for you. You could end up in a police holding cell. And remember, that if one casino bans you, others are entitles to follow suite.

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  • Why There’s A Compass At The Casino Roulette Table?

    If you're in a new and busy environment, you'll sometimes miss small details unless someone points them out to you. And so it's the same story with the casino compass. Embedded into the roulette table, and sitting next to the spinning wheel, you can find a tiny compass. At first glance, it'll have you scratching your head. Why put a compass on a roulette wheel? But the casino's reasoning is that it'll help discourage cheats from using magnets to alter the course of the tiny ivory ball.

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