• A Concise Guide To All Aspects Of Esports Betting

    Because esports are virtual activities, and real sport is not, then betting on esports isn't the same when compared with physical sporting activities. Though the betting markets may seem pretty straightforwards, it's important to know the differences and possibilities that come from placing bets on video games.

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  • Latest Gambling Trends In The UK Casino And Gaming Industry

    Once upon a time, in order to place any bets in the UK, you had to go to the high street betting shop or into a casino. Fast forward a couple of decades, and now you can simply go online to a sportsbook or casino and enjoy yourself whilst sitting at home on your sofa. This is thanks to the introduction of mobile gambling. Now with the advent of the blockchain, and VR and VR, we are going to e taking another giant leap forward into new and exciting methods of gambling and playing casino games.

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  • Playing Esports – Debunking The Most Famous Misconceptions

    The old-fashioned way of looking at sports is looking for signs of physical effort, sweat, and tears. The struggle to succeed. So in their eyes, the whole concept of esports is a non-starter. After all, the players are just sitting around, playing with their mouse and keyboard. However, if these same nay-sayers were to look at some of the associated numbers, they might be in for a surprise. That's because there are huge sums of prize money, spectators, and gaming teams involved.

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  • ESports Markets For Players And Fans Around The World

    In the past, many parents were telling their children that playing video games was a waste of time. But today, there are eSports players who are making some serious bank, pulling in millions of dollars in prize money, as well as millions more in lucrative sponsorship deals. Because you can play online and need no real-world skills or a higher level of education, then everyone has an equal chance to make it big by playing their favourite video games. So it's no surprise Esports are so popular.

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  • League of Legends – Important Factors For Better Betting

    Going back a few years, nobody playing video games would have ever thought about betting on the outcomes. Fast forward to today, and this activity actually has a name: ESports. Thousands of gaming fans place millions of dollars of wagers on their favourite players and teams every month. One of the most famous games for ESports betting is the old favourite of League of Legends. Before you start your ESports betting journey, we suggest that you check out some tips and tricks that can help you win.

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