• Asian Casino Games That Are Becoming Popular At Online Casinos

    Asians, and in particular, the Chinese love to gamble. They will bet on anything. This is really not surprising as the whole culture is built around the idea of luck. In other words, your destiny is out of your hands. So they are not upset when they lose as it means it simply wasn't their time to win. However, in the west, online casinos are constantly looking for new ways to entice gambling into their casinos. And what better means than to use Asian gambling games.

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  • Chinese Gambling Sports Betting Syndicate Busted

    After falling into gambling debts, a clever punter decided to exploit the time delay between live action in sports and the showing of it on TV. The delay was large enough for his team to place wagers after they had seen the final result, but before this data had reached the sportsbook. Ever the entrepreneur, he recruited a number of players from around China to help him, sending them to Europe in order to place wagers on various sporting events. They managed to amass around $4 million.

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  • 7 Amazing Gambling Superstitions from China

    Scratch most Western gamblers and you'll find some forms of superstition driving their decision-making. But it's nothing compared to how much the Chinese rely on gambling superstition. Because they have an almost pathological love of gambling, and many are extremely poor, then it's no surprise that these ideas are so prevalent. Whereas in the west we might think of these things as silly, in China they at very serious about respecting the factors that might help them bring more luck to their game

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