• Gambling Losses – The Most Epic Losers In Casino History

    There are gambling losses, and then there are eye-watering gambling losses. Though the amounts of cash lost do make a good headline, we should also consider that many gamblers might suffer some negative consequences from losing only a small amount of cash. Nevertheless, there will always be those super-rich outliers who manage to blast their way through an obscene amount of mullah in a very short space of time. In many ways, the casino's profits are directly correlated to the losers losses,

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  • Casino Whales: The Mega-Wealthy

    In the whole world there are only a few casino whales. People who have enough disposable income to simply toss one hundred thousand dollars on but a single hand in cards.

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  • Celebrities That Have Lost Big in Blackjack

    With our Western celebrity culture and love of the rich and famous, it's no surprise to find great interest when celebrities gamble and lose huge sums of money.

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