• Top Gambling Countries – Where The Population Loves To Bet

    Though gambling is said to be as old as time itself, some countries have taken to it more than others. Much has to do with the economic well-being of the population. When a person has an excess of disposable income, they may feel more comfortable spending money at an online casino. Conversely, a person at the other end of the economic scale might see betting on casino games or sports as a way to improve their financial position, based on the fact that these games revolve around luck.

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  • Robbing London Sportsbooks With A Fake Shotgun

    Though we don't know what drove Brett Mullan to take such drastic measures, we do know that he was relatively successful in robbing sportsbooks in and around London. That is, until the 5th adventure. He foolishly gave his real name to a ticket inspector on the train he was using to travel to the heist. Armed with this information, the police were able to track him both to and from his own house. By using a walking stick as a pretend shotgun, he was destined to fall hard under the law.

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