Awesome UK Scratch Cards Vs Amazing Online Slots

Introduction: UK Scratch Cards vs Online Slots
Apart from the gambling aspect, you probably wouldn’t think there was so much in common between UK scratch cards and casino online slots. The former involves scratching off an opaque panel to see the numbers underneath. The latter is based on pulling on a lever or hitting a spin button and then watching the wheels aligned themselves along a win-line. So it’s fair to say that on the outside they have nothing in common whatsoever. But having said that, if we, excuse the pun, “scratch” the surface, and see what’s beneath in both of these games then we’ll see that they do in fact share a lot of similarities.
Their Ubiquitous Popularity
This is definitely one point they both share. Whether it’s a jackpot slots machine in the local pub, bar, disco or casino, most people who played at one have also tried their hand at UK scratch cards. In the same way that everyday players are hitting up the slot machines, so it’s the same with UK scratch cards, with the public buying a huge number of them every week.
When you’re playing slots at either the online or the offline casino, you can immediately recognise just how popular they are. In fact, when compared to traditional table games or card games, it’s been proven that slot machines enjoy double the popularity of the nearest rival game. Slots have a huge appeal to serious players as well as a casual player. In the casino environment, you’ll see many serious players taking a break from the table games, and walking over in order to play on the slots for a change of pace.
Then we should mention the whole range of thousands of different types of mobile slots which are incredibly popular across the public. They are able to provide a much greater variety of games and gameplay than their casino brethren. We love to play at True Flip Casino, not just because they have over 1,900 games, but also because they offer all new players a massive welcome bonus of 275% up to €1000 plus 50 free spins!
UK scratch cards also have a huge following both online and off. The fact that casinos were concerned about losing money to the popularity of UK scratch cards, and thereby started entering the market themselves, shows just how popular these are. As if to prove this point, you’ll find serious players who buy hundreds of cards at a single go, as well as the casual player, who’s normally someone doing the weekly shop who has a splash-out and buys a single card.
The Ease Of Playing
Obviously, if you’re playing in casinos to win the jackpot, at the games table, then you’re better off to have some skills, games knowledge and basic strategy. But with the slots as well as UK scratch cards, you don’t need any brainpower whatsoever and rely totally on Lady Luck. This probably the main reason why they are so popular. When you’re playing the slots online then the whole gameplay process is incredibly simple. Essentially, you place a wager and then that Random Number Generator (RNG) does the heavy lifting.
The results are pretty much instantaneous. In the same way, playing UK scratch cards is as simple as using a coin or fingernail now to scratch off the opaque silver paint to reveal whether you have won or not.
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Instant Gratification
We live in an age where no one wants to wait for anything. It’s all about instant gratification. When you play either the slots and UK scratch cards, you’ll discover the results almost immediately, which makes it completely different from other casino games or even the lottery. When you buy a lottery ticket you normally have to wait for at least a week to see the result. But with slots and UK scratch cards, you will know straight away whether you are better off or worse off than before you started playing.
Low Investment
In truth, you need very little money to play either of these games. That’s not to say there are no options by which you can spend a lot of money if you so choose. But, on the whole, for less than $1 you can be in business, and be hitting the slots button or scratching off the paint on a UK scratch card. Online slots are even cheaper than going to the land-based casino and now you can play for less than 1 cent. Though these games all appear on the surface to be of low investment, be careful.
Because the game play-time is so short, it encourages the player to invest more, and before you know it your whole bankroll has been used up. The only means to increase your jackpot winning chances is to spend more, so be careful and know your limits.
The Attraction Of Jackpots
When you’re playing either UK scratch cards or the slots in the UK, then there are many which offer the possibility of winning a massive life-altering amount in the form of jackpots. Technically every time the player scratches a card or spins a slot, he has a possibility of winning big. Though the odds of winning the jackpot online tend to be astronomical, nevertheless, it’s the random nature of both games that players find so attractive. In other words, someone has to win, so the winner might as well be you.
Conclusion: Awesome Scratch Cards vs Amazing Online Slots
On the face of it, UK scratch cards and slots appear to be totally different jackpot games, particularly in the way they look and their gameplay technique. But they are quite similar under the surface. They both have a clever design element in that they will elicit the same unconscious response in the gambler, leading him to place more and more funds into either one. Funnily enough, you’d think that if some skills were involved, then the game would be more popular.
But in reality, it’s the games that require zero skill and zero know-how, that prove to be, by far and away ahead, of the nearest competition in terms of popularity. and we don’t see this changing anytime soon. Try your hand at True Flip Casino. They have a huge selection of slots and many with huge progressive jackpots.
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