How to Play Two Card Poker

Introduction: How to Play Two Card Poker
Also, though not as prevalent, is the game of two card poker. Due to the smaller number of cards, this is a very fast game. It should be pointed out that the name is a little bit misleading. In reality, both the dealer and the player receive four cards at the start of the game. But as we already have the game of four Card Poker, along with Crazy four Poker, then two card poker will have to suffice.
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The actual game of two card poker is very simple and straightforwards. Two card poker makes use of a standard set of 52 playing cards and to make even easier, there are no jokers or wild cards. With a two card poker game, you really need a minimum of five players. In fact, the ideal number of players is between six and eight for two-card poker. Before seeing any cards, the player has to make an “ante” (before) bet. Once all bets are placed, then the dealer will deal out four cards to the player and himself. In another version of the game, only two cards are dealt out. Essentially the player is playing against the dealer for ante bets.
So now we have a player, having placed his bets, and sitting with 2/4 cards in front of himself. He has several choices. He can fold all 2/4 cards. Or he can choose 1 or 2 of the cards to play with and then add a wager equal to the first ante bet. All winning ante bets and bets payout even money. The dealer must have at least a jack-high flush t pay both the ante and the bet, if not then the only payout is the ante wager.
Maybe that description sounds a little confusing. But the game really is the same as three card poker. As with that game, you can make extra wagers in the form of a two or four card bonus. But you’ll need to know what beat’s what before you begin.
Hand Rankings 1
Pair (Aces is highest, 2’s are lowest)
Two Card Straight Flush (Ace-King is highest, 3-2 is lowest)
Two Card Flush (Ace-Queen is highest, 4-2 is lowest)
High Card (Ace-King is highest, 3-2 is lowest)
Non-flush straights are not recognized
Looking at the above hand table, maybe this two card poker game should be christened “Flushes” instead of poker. As you can see, most of the time, both the player and the dealer will be keeping hold of the two cards that are suited from the original four. If, for example, you are dealt Ace-Hearts, 8-Spades, 4-Clubs, and 2-Clubs, then the cards to play would be the 4 and 2 of Clubs, because they are suited. Remember that the dealer will automatically keep their top two cards in the same manner.
Hand ranking 2
In another version of two card poker, the winning hand is determined as follows: Pairs are ranked highest. Two Aces are the highest pair. Other pairs ranking in descending order, based on traditional card rankings, down to the two twos, which are the lowest pair. If no player has a pair, then the player with the highest-ranking card wins the hand. Then if there is a tie, the second-highest ranking cards are compared. If there is still a tie, the pot is split among the tied players. In this game version of two card poker, there are no straights or flushes.
Another point is that when both the dealer and the player are holding two flush cards, then the one with the highest single card will be the winner. If both the players have the same high card, then the second card is the one that gets played and counts. Ties are a push.

Bonus Wagers
A player can make a bonus wager on the top two cards, as well as on a combination of the players and the dealer’s cards.
Two Card Poker Bonus Bet Pay Table
Red Aces 20-1
Black Aces 15-1
Mixed Aces 10-1
Kings 5-1
Queens 4-1
Jacks 3-1
Tens 2-1
7-s through 9’s 1-1
Four Card Poker Bonus Bet Pay Table
Royal Flush 200-1
Four of a Kind 50-1
Straight Flush 30-1
Three of a Kind 5-1
Flush 3-1
Two-Pair 1-1
Bonus Wagers
It is of no matter whether the dealer qualifies or whether the player wins the ante and bet wagers, bonus wagers are still to be paid out. So, if the dealer fails to qualify, then you can still be the winner of the ante, push the bet and then win the two card bonus and lose the four card bonus. Now when the dealer does qualify, you lose the ante and the bet but win the two card and four card bonus or any other combination of those bets. Both the ante and the bonus bets have the smaller house edge.
Two Card Poker: Bluffing
Because there are only airs and high ranking cards, then there’s a lot of room for bluffing during two card poker. To spice up the game, even more, you can have a rule that makes the losing players have to put their own chips into the pot for the next round. This not only will make for a larger pot, but also stop players from declaring every hand. Oh…if you play with the pot-matching rule, then you should only declare if you have for the minimum, a King in your hand, and you preferably have a pair.
You can find plenty of options to play two card poker on the online jackpot sites.
Click here to visit the Intertops Poker to try different poker variations