Tribal Casinos – The Lies And Myths Told About Native American Gaming

Don’t Believe Lies About Tribal Casinos
In the United States, you can thank tribal gambling for bringing casinos to places you never imagined. You can find them from Nevada to the windswept plains of Oklahoma. Today tribal gambling has become a billion-dollar industry. One unfortunate side effect is that there is a certain amount of misinformation surrounding tribal gambling and casinos.
In many ways, this is no different from the myths people associate with gambling destinations such as Atlantic City and Las Vegas. On the whole, the American casino industry is subject to huge amounts of misinformation. When it comes to tribal gambling, there is even more so. But most of these are nothing but snide and cheap lies based on ingrained racism and jealousy. Today we thought we take some time to debunk the most common ones.
Revenue From Tribal Casinos Are Tax-Exempt
It might surprise you how many Americans believe that Native American reservations make their revenue from casinos tax-free. To be fair, there is a tiny bit of truth in this. Nevertheless, the casinos still contribute fees to the federal government each year. You have to consider that the original Indian Regulatory Gaming Act actually exempts casinos from federal taxes.
But you also need to consider that the revenue going to tribal members is still subject to federal income tax. Furthermore, you have to consider that anyone working in the casinos also pays income tax. Having said that, they may well be some States where employees are exempt from state income tax as well. But in a roundabout way, you should consider that Native American casinos still pay a lot of tax.
They Pay Out Plenty Of Taxes
Another consideration is that these tribal casinos, by doing business with corporations and contractors that lie outside the tax-free umbrella, are still contributing money to the government. Perhaps the easiest way to look at taxation and tribal casinos are that though the casinos may themselves be free of taxation, any money paid out is subject to federal taxes. In addition to this, all Native American casinos pay fees as well as state taxes. As an aside, it’s worthwhile considering the substantial charitable donations tribal casinos make. At the end of the day, all these casinos make considerable contributions to the whole government machinery.
There’s No Monitoring by Any Gaming Board
This is totally untrue. All tribal casinos, just like the top online international casinos like Bovada Casino, are just as strictly controlled as those you’ll find on the Las Vegas strip. In fact, it could be considered that they are even more stringently regulated. The IGRA is there to ensure that all the activities taking place in the casino are legitimate. Furthermore, potential players get a fair deal. They also have to ensure that any funds from gambling are solely for tribal programs. For example, to promote economic development, give charitable contributions, provide financial relief for the tribes themselves, as well as fund local government.
Strick Government Oversight
The process is not taken lightly and every cent needs to be accounted for. Many casinos to win the jackpot in many states also fall under the States Gaming Control Board. Normally this is because the IGRA along with the Tribal Gaming Commission will have its own agreements with individual state gambling boards on a state-to-state basis. These gambling commissions are able to oversee such things that affect the gambling experience, including the RTP rates of slot machines. They can also include the ante charges for bets in blackjack and jackpot poker hands.
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Tribal Casinos Are Easy Targets For Organized Crime
Thanks to the fact that many tribal casinos are situated in lower-income areas that have now suddenly received huge amounts of cash, many assume it’s a recipe for the mafia. But the truth of the matter is that the gambling industry is very carefully regulated. In fact, it’s regulated to such a degree that there is no possibility of organized crime being able to get a hold of any tribal gambling activities.
Keep in mind that these casinos are not tiny ma-and-pop businesses. They are huge companies under serious management. To that end, you’ll find all the rules and regulations, as well as security protocols, are up to the same level as those that exist in regular casinos around the country. It’s the same story with the best casino site to play online, Bovada Casino.
Security Is More Relaxed At Tribal Casinos
There’s a general belief that security is going to be much laxer when it comes to tribal casinos. We’re not quite sure where this idea comes from. It may be because many gamblers don’t see as many high rollers as you might do in the casinos of Atlantic City or Las Vegas. However, tribal casinos take security very seriously. This includes both the customers and their staff. As with non-tribal casinos, you’ll find that they are constantly watching every square inch of the premises. If they spot anything untoward then the management is quick to act.
Native Casino Are Serious About Security
In our own experience, we’ve seen that they take security more seriously than in regular brick-and-mortar casinos. Players may be backed off in Las Vegas if they are doing well and are suspected of card counting in blackjack. The pit boss or floor manager will ask them to play another game. But in tribal casinos, the security doesn’t mess around. Security tells the player to head to the exit straightaway with their chips remaining on the table. These are then confiscated and returned back to the cage.
All Native Americans Are Making Profit From the Casinos
Running a casino is not a cheap business. So the idea that all Native Americans are getting rich from this activity is far from true. All their casinos provide trade members with a small amount of revenue generated by the casino. Yet you’ll find that the vast majority of funds go towards operational costs. On top of this, we should also add taxes, charity fees, and other funding expenses. Also, keep in mind that there’s still federal income tax to pay on any stipend paid out to tribal members.
Tribal Casinos Are Miles Behind Las Vegas For Entertainment
You have to consider that many tribal casinos are in states that have no other gambling casinos on offer. This means to say that gamblers from far and wide are going to attend. As a result, you’ll find these casinos are practically on par with those in Atlantic City or Las Vegas. In the same way, top casino resorts in these latter cities pay stars to perform. This is in order to attract gamblers and their families. So Native American casinos do exactly the same.
Many stars that could be headline acts in the mega resorts of Las Vegas or fill Madison Square Garden are also making performances in Native American casinos across the country. Tribal casinos have entertained hundreds of thousands of guests. It’s important that you don’t consider tribal casinos as being in some ways less than non-tribal casinos. Their facilities, gaming standards, and entertainment values are exactly the same. Meaning that their jackpot games and rules are the best. In fact, you’ll find that Native American casinos can happily hold their own to the best, be they in Las Vegas or the capital gambling city of the world, Macau.
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