Top Casino Jobs and How to Get The Best One

Introduction: Top Casino Jobs and How to Get One
The last time you were playing casino table games at the casino, did you ever stop and think what it must be like to work in the casino. Probably not, as you were only at the casinos to win the jackpot. But take a look around and you’ll see any number of casino jobs, including the dealers, croupiers, waitresses, and pit bosses. If you happen to be visiting one of these mega-resorts of the type you’ll find in Macau or Las Vegas, then you’ll be aware there are absolutely thousands of employees necessary to ensure that the casino resort runs smoothly.
The main description of the casino industry would fall under the heading of “hospitality.” These businesses are so huge, that there is any number of casino jobs that are within that bracket. And among all those casino jobs there is the necessity for a huge range of different skills. For every job you see on the surface in the public eye, like a dealer or croupier, there are maybe 10 or 15 casino jobs that are hidden away from the public. There are also many similar behind the scenes casino jobs to be found online. Take Tangiers Casino, for example, they employ a huge number of live dealers for all their live tabletop games.
If you like the atmosphere of a casino, don’t mind shift work, then maybe a job here can be a good match for you. We don’t have any jackpot winning strategies for finding a casino job but want to give you a rough idea of what’s available. But the real question is, exactly what type of casino jobs are available in your average casino and more importantly, what are the prospects and the salary expectations you should be aware of before you consider this career?
Basic Casino Job Categories
When it comes to the categories of casino jobs you’ll find in the casino there are essentially two: services and operations. On the whole, you’re going to find the service casino jobs are entry-level and tend to be lower paid, and they often involve such things as hotel and resort hospitality services. These are not casino jobs that require a great deal of education or experience and as a result, this is reflected in their lower pay. Service casino jobs often include cleaning staff, food service personnel, wait staff, and, of course, parking valets.
But as you already know, most service jobs in America are deliberately lower-paying, with the customer expected to make up the difference in the form of tips.
The category of casino operations is a totally different kettle of fish and this involves many professional-level employees who are tasked with operating the casino and the casino resort. These casino jobs tend to be the most important ones within the casino operation as they are imperative to the smooth and successful operation of the entire resort. These include everything from the casino operations director to the pit boss and will require both experience and specific qualifications.
That’s not to say that all casino jobs are recruited from outside. Many of the most lucrative casino jobs you find in the casino industry are actually recruited from within. This makes perfect sense as a business obviously knows your company history, knows how you operate, and, through training, is responsible for you having the necessary skills and experience to move up the career ladder. An example of this would be working as a pit boss. This lucrative job has often been the result of inside recruitment, especially from the position of casino dealer.
Of course, you can also find live dealer casino jobs at an online casino, like at our favourite casino, Tangiers Casino, which have a huge selection of live dealer games. Not only that, but they offer a massive welcome bonus of 750% up to €7500, for all new players. Anyway, let’s have a deeper look into the casino operations jobs market at your average casino resort.
Pit Boss
The casino gaming floor is divided up into separate sections and these are known in the business as “pits” and each one has its own boss, the pit boss. Unlike the Hollywood movie stereotype from 30 years ago, the pit boss is not a shaven-headed thug who goes around the casino floor bullying staff and frightening customers. On the other hand, we don’t think he’s the guy to ask for jackpot winning tips and tricks. He is, first and foremost, a manager and it’s his casino job to ensure all that happens within his floorspace runs smoothly. That all the staff are working towards the single goal of ensuring customers keep spending their money and having a good time.
As a manager, the pit boss has the responsibility of solving any disputes between dealers and players. It also falls to him to give out the comps and VIP access. One of the attributes of a successful process is the ability to remain cool and to think clearly and logically during stressful situations. On the whole, for these casino jobs, you’re going to need at least a high school diploma and a minimum of 3 years of experience dealing at different tables and table games.
Depending on where the casino is situated, then you may have to provide certain casino certifications of licences for the purposes of keeping the local gaming commission happy. As for salary, pit bosses make around $50,000 to $75,000 per annum.
Table Games Manager
The casino job of overseeing all the table games in a casino falls to the table games manager. He is also responsible for looking after all the casino games and needs to have extensive knowledge, as well as years of experience, with not only table jackpot games, but also casino operations. To get started here, you’ll need a university degree and a lot of casino experience. You’ll also need to demonstrate a huge knowledge of the casino rules and regulations as well as accounting procedures and general business processes. Part of the job is to manage each table and monitor its financial performance.
He’s also expected to recommend and implement incentives at games or anything else that the table needs to bring its income up to its optimum level. Pay-wise, you should expect to receive between $60,000 and $90,000, but much will depend on your experience and the casino location, along with the actual casino company you’re working for.
Casino Supervisor
Moving up the operations category, even more, we have a casino supervisor, whose job is to ensure that the entire casino operation is running smoothly and making as much money as possible. Essentially, he’s the guy who’s in charge of every department and he will work alongside each manager to ensure that all aspects of the casino are running perfectly. It’s his casino job to ensure that all the games, as well as the staff, are working to their best ability. This is mainly one of those paper-pushing casino jobs and requires expertise in schedules, financial performance, managing a casino pit, along with casino budgets.
You won’t get a look-in unless you turned up with a Bachelor’s Degree, along with years of relevant casino experience. Though the pay may not seem so much, ranging from $40,000 to $75,000 per annum, bear in mind but they also receive a percentage at the end of the year as a bonus.
Gaming Manager
This is essentially the manager’s manager and he’s responsible for all of the managers and supervisors who are situated on the casino’s gaming floor. It’s his remit to hire and fire staff, make up their schedules, and also ensure that all the rules and regulations of the casino and its casino licence, are followed to the tee, at all times. One of his casino jobs responsibilities is to work alongside security to ensure there are no discrepancies with either table, customers or gaming profits. Another task is to ensure that all tables are fully stocked with the right amount of chips and ensure that there’s an endless flow of money coming into play.
As far as qualifications go, a high school diploma will do the job, though you will need to bring some years of experience to the table. You can expect to see around $80,000 at the end of the year.
Security Manager
The security manager is tasked with supervising all the casino security personnel and also keeping an eye on the entire casino with regards to safety and security, as well as protecting the casinos from bad actors. Don’t expect to get any invitations for a security manager interview if you haven’t a degree in criminal justice or related business studies. In some jurisdictions, you will also require a certificate in CPR and first aid, as local gaming commissions can lay down these requirements. Salary-wise, expect to see around $60,000 a year, but with the annual bonus, this can be bumped up to more than $110,000 per annum.
Director of Operations
This is essentially the second in line big boss of all bosses. Their responsibility is to oversee the total operation of the casino business. Every aspect of employment and customer care falls under his jurisdiction. You will need to plan and arrange any events that will take place at the casino resort including everything from famous boxing matches to televised poker tournaments. As the casino business is never standing still, part of the director of operation’s job is to be forever creating new business strategies, as well as finding ways to implement them.
This casino job requires a bare minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree and 10 years of casino management experience. Pay-wise, for casino jobs like this, you can look to be making on average $90,000 a year, but once bonuses are taken into consideration, your salary can easily exceed $150,000 a year.
Casino Property General Manager
Finally, we come to the top spot, the boss of all bosses. His responsibilities are dealing with all the operations that include both personnel business and client services. In fact, to put it in its simplest form, he is responsible for the success or failure of a casino as a money-making venture. They will have access to every nook and cranny of the casino, as well as all casino personnel as they monitor business expenses and casino profits. Don’t even think about applying for this position unless you have a minimum of 12 years of experience within the casino management industry along with a Master’s Degree.
You’ll also be expected to bring to the table any certificates or licences that are required by the local gaming commission. Salary-wise, expect to pull in around $200,000 a year, plus bonuses, will always be part of a non-disclosure agreement.