The House Edge – How To Beat The Casino Every Time You Play

Factors Casino Players Use to Win
Casino games can essentially be divided into two categories; those which require luck and those which require a combination of luck and skill. With the first category, there’s nothing the player can do to influence the outcomes. You pay your money and you take your chance. Simple! But with games of skill, the player can use his knowledge of jackpot winning strategies, along with a deep understanding of the gameplay, rules and the house edge, in order to beat the house.
Luck vs Skill
The bottom line is that the skilled player uses his brain to beat the casino. With advanced knowledge, it’s possible to watch your bankroll grow steadily over the course of an evening at the games table. But the same evening spent at the slot machine will see your bankroll diminish to nothing in front of your eyes. To help those players who want to start winning, we thought we would make a list of some of the most important factors that can set you on the road to success and certainly increase your jackpot winning chances.
What The House Edge Means
Without a proper understanding of what the casino house edge is then you’re going to be simply throwing good money after bad. Understanding the house edge will instantly tell you what type of bets you need to make. As well as which bets you should always stay away from. Knowing the house edge will also help you to utilise the correct strategies and techniques. Those that are needed to win at the casino games table.
Find The Game With The Lowest House Edge
Essentially, you can use the house edge to tell you exactly how much money you’re going to lose every time you make a bet. The house edge is expressed as a percentage. You can use this to multiply or times the size of your wagers. It will tell you exactly how much money you should lose. Conversely, looking at it from the casino’s side will tell you how much the casino is going to take off you. The important point to understand here is that if you are betting at a game with a high house edge, then you’re going to lose more money than if you are making wagers at another game with a smaller house edge. So it follows, if you want to win more than you lose, then you need to find a game where the house edge is as close to zero as possible.
Slot Machine Evilness
In truth, there’s something deeply insidious about slot machines and how they function. The first point to notice is that you’ll struggle to find the exact house edge for any slot machine. Not simply because the casino simply doesn’t want this information to be known to gamblers. And that’s because, on the whole, the house edge for casino slots is going to be absolutely terrible. From a business perspective, this is understandable. After all, the jackpot slots are by far the most played games on the whole casino gaming floor. To show the house edge would put off many players.
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Determining The House Edge
When it comes to the casino games that use dice, cards or the roulette wheel, then it’s possible to determine the house edge. Even when playing a video poker machine, you can see the house edge and its effects on your gameplay. But slot machines have been designed in such a way that it is difficult to determine the house edge. As a given, you should assume that on average, the slot machine is going to have a house edge much worse than any other casino game.
Another factor that affects playing the slots is that they are designed to be played quickly. By offering only very small betting limits, the gambler is unaware of how much they are really spending. So though the slot machines may look cheap to play, they can end up being incredibly costly to the novice player. It’s a good idea to find an online casino where you can practice playing the slots for free in order to get a hang of their gameplay. King Billy Casino offers all their slots as Freeplay, meaning you can practice to your heart’s content without spending a single cent. Only once you’re feeling completely confident, should you start playing with your own cash.
Old vs New Casinos
Back in the day if you wanted to gamble then you’d have to climb into your car and drive sometimes many hours to either the casino, the horse race track or the dog track. Many casino players were actually flying to a gambling resort destination like Las Vegas or Atlantic City. But thanks to the advent of the internet, these are all things of the past. Many gamblers will remember how they started their internet gambling journey with a simple old-fashioned dial-up connection. Still, it was very exciting to make your first online casino wager.
So Many Gambling Options
Since those early pioneering days of the first internet casinos, things have moved forward in leaps and bounds. Today there are a never-ending number of different online casinos to be played in. There are also poker rooms, as well as all types of online sportsbooks. By design, everything makes gambling much easier and faster. Good ease of access is not the only bonus for online casino players. Today’s gamblers can discover many new ways of winning. This is thanks to the huge amount of information about gambling strategies and gameplay that’s readily available over the internet. For the best online casino experience, we highly recommend King Billy Casino. They have a massive selection of all types of games including many live dealer options. And the house edge is much lower than land-based casinos.
Online Casino Bonuses
If you’re looking to make an instant profit from gambling, then you need to learn to become an expert in online and mobile bonuses. Today’s online casinos are happy to give out all sorts of incentives and bonuses. These are to both encourage players to join their websites, as well as keep them coming back. So when you first join an online casino, you’re going to be receiving a nice welcome bonus. This will often come with a set of stringent wagering requirements.
This means that there will be certain limitations. Such as time limits and the number of times the bonus will need to be played through before you can cash it out. Most of these bonuses are set up in such a way that they guarantee you’ll lose more money than you receive from the bonus. This is obviously one of the best business practices of a casino, along with the house edge. And both work great allowing them to stay in profit.
Beat The Casino With Their Own Bonuses
But if you search long and deep enough you can find bonuses that will allow you to cash out after completing the wagering requirements. And these wagering requirements are not as stringent as others. So the idea here is to clear the bonus. But without losing the entire bonus itself. Then by being able to cash out you’ll make a small profit from gambling at the online casino in question. For this to function, you need to learn how to decipher the terms and conditions of each website you visit. Before you start to play, you need to be sure that you’re able to make a profit from the bonuses on offer.
The House Edge: Learning Advanced Strategies
A quick Google search regarding any gambling theme will bring up literally millions of results. Living in this age of readily available information is nothing short of a miracle. And it’s all incredibly valuable to the modern casino gambler. In order to have a winning chance at any casino game, apart from understanding the house edge, you’ll need to know the best ways of playing. To put it another way. In order to achieve the best odds, you need to make use of the correct strategy. Before the internet, there were just a few books you could find. Generally, they would offer the author’s personal take on the best strategies available for casino jackpot games. Unfortunately, this was your only source of information. Apart from personal experience.
So Much Knowledge At Your Fingertips
For many of yesterday’s players, this meant that they had to figure out the best strategies themselves. This was through the use of trial and error. Or by using mathematical formulas. Nevertheless, when compared to the ease by which you can find all the relevant strategies today on the internet, it was a huge amount of work and an uphill struggle. In some cases, it was practically impossible to find the information needed in order to gain an advantage over the house edge. Today a simple search of Google casino games, using the term “strategy,” will allow you to become an expert within the course of a few hours.