Strip Poker – The Rules And Game Play Of This Risque Card Game

How to Play Strip Poker?
If you were to ask card players which is their favourite game, most of them would tell you that it was jackpot poker. In fact, it’s probably the most popular card game in the world. One reason is that there are so many different versions. You can find virtually all of them at Bodog Casino, which also offers some of the best casino games to win the jackpot online. For example, you can play Irish poker or a 7-card stud. But there’s one variation you don’t often read about. And that’s strip poker.
As the name suggests, you are going to be getting much more than simply poker chips. And it goes without saying that strip poker isn’t for everyone. But nevertheless, if you have a group of like-minded friends, then the game can be an absolute blast.
What is Strip Poker?
In truth, no one knows the real origins of the game of strip poker. Though it is said that it was played in brothels around the mid-nineteenth century. Another theory is that the game was created by US teenage boys in the 1930s.
Really A Game For Adults
Today, strip poker is seen as an adult party game. For example, if you’re having a bachelorette or bachelor party. And it’s even a great game just for couples to play. But for the game to be more exciting then you’ll need more players, normally a group of around 4-6 people. You can look at strip poker as a form of party poker. This means that the rules can be as flexible as you make them.
You can use any version of traditional poker in order to play strip poker. Having said that, we suggest that you choose a simpler version. Basically, you’ll then follow the same rules of the version you’re playing. But instead of losing chips, you will lose articles of clothing.
What You’ll Need To Play Strip Poker
The only ingredients you need to play strip poker are a deck of playing cards. This can be any form of playing cards. You could use the traditional Maverick cards or something more unusual American Era cards.
Card/ Hand Values
We suggest that in order to make the game easier, you use the standard 5-card draw rules. If you’ve never played 5-card draw, then we suggest you play a regular game before trying your hand at strip poker. Below we’ve listed the hand values as a guide.
Hand Value Description
- Royal Flush A 10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace. Must be of the same suit.
- Straight Flush Five cards in a numerical sequence. Must be of the same suit.
- 4 of a Kind Four cards of the same rank.
- Full House Three cards of the same rank and a matching pair of cards.
- Flush Five cards in the same suit. The cards don’t need to be a sequence.
- Straight Five cards in a numerical sequence. They don’t need to be in the same suit.
- 3 of a Kind Three cards of the same rank.
- Two Pairs Two separate matching pairs of cards.
- One Pair One pair of matching cards.
- High Card If you can’t make any other hand, then your value is decided by your highest-ranking card. The order is Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2.
Strip Poker Rules And Gameplay
The whole purpose of the game is to get to the end of the game whilst wearing more clothes than your opponents. Being a relaxed game, there are many different ways you can play it. The most common is that the game will end with only one player left wearing no clothes. But you can also play an elimination game where players can be removed at the end of each round.
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Setting Up
We suggest that you have a few rules in place before you begin to play. The most obvious one is that everybody needs to be wearing the same amount of clothes. You should discard any jewellery. An example would be to have a basic outline such as a shirt, trousers, socks, shoes, and underwear. By doing so you give every player the possibility to bet on 6 different articles of clothing. Of course, this rule can be fully flexible with regard to the number of clothing items that need to be the same between participants.
For example, a shirt can equal a pair of shoes. Or a woman wearing a dress could equal a jumper. Once you have the number of clothing items decided then it’s time to play.
Choose A Dealer
You’ll need to choose a dealer from among the group and they will then deal 5 cards to each player after shuffling the deck. The card should be drawn slowly and one at a time. To make the betting simpler, the ante bet for each round should be one piece of clothing.
It goes without saying that every player should take off one piece of clothing for their opening bet. And remember this is done before any cards are actually dealt. At this point, most people will put in a shoe. However, players can place whatever piece of clothing they wish to use.
Playing Strip Poker
Just as with a regular game of poker, the player sitting on the left of the dealer has first go. As per regular 5-card draw rules, a player can decide to raise the bet by simply adding another article of clothing. Or they can simply check. Now if they choose to check, it means even though they haven’t increased the bet, they can still remain in the game. So you’re still able to practice your best poker face.
The play goes around the table to the next player until the bet goes up. By raising the bet there’s a possibility that other players cannot check. A player can forfeit the game at any time. But in doing so, they must give up any clothing they have bet with.
Always Keep 5 Cards In Your Hand
When every player has had their turn, then they should discard the cards from their hand. It’s important that players all have the same number of cards that they discard. This is because it’s important they always have a hand of 5 cards. Now the next round will begin. But keep in mind that the player can call the bet at any time.
If a player chooses to call, then all the other players are obliged to show their hands. At this point, the player with the highest value will win. If it so happens that two players share the same value hand, then they’ll be able to split the winnings.
Strip Poker Rule Variations
As you can imagine, the game strip poker comes with many different variations. As such, there’s no fixed way to play. But we suggest that you think about keeping the game as simple as possible. Of course, if you happen to be playing with expert or veteran poker players, then you need to implement some rules to level the playing field for those who are novices.
Games stipulate that underwear is worth more when it comes to betting. This means that if someone uses their underwear as a wager, then the other players need to match it. We also suggest that you make use of house rules in the same way you would find in many Monopoly games. It’s quite possible to combine this game with the game of Truth or Dare.
Mixing Strip Poker With Truth Or Dare
This can be a way of saving people’s blushes if they get down to that underwear. At this point, it’s possible that they could succeed in a Truth or Dare request. Having said that, we prefer the rule whereby a player can’t put back on any clothing once they’ve taken it off.
It’s Not About Winning Or Losing, Just Having Fun
Though we tend to think of the game as ending when the losers end up naked, many people play this simply down to their underwear. This is a great option for players who are shy and don’t want to go all the way. The game of strip poker isn’t really about winning or losing. But having said that, it’s important you don’t underestimate gameplay strategy. Just as with every other type of poker, a good playing strategy can help ensure you keep your clothes on for longer.
Check Out The Live Dealers At Bodog Casino
If you want to play poker in a real casino environment but without leaving your home, then head over to the best casino site to play, Bodog Casino. It welcomes all US-based players and offers every new player a great welcome bonus of 100% up to $500! With this instantly added to your bankroll, it’s a great means to increase your jackpot winning chances. You can play with gorgeous live dealer babes, though unfortunately, they don’t play strip poker!
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