Roulette Facts That Are New To Most Casino Players

Roulette Facts You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
The game of roulette has been played for the entertainment of casino patrons for a number of centuries. And though the game has changed little over the past 200 years, there are some variations that have evolved. One of the factors that makes roulette such an enjoyable game is its simplicity. After all, there’s a tiny ball, some numbers on a wheel, and a green table with bets laid out. Even though the game may appear to be very basic, there are still many roulette facts that many gamblers are unaware of.
Today we thought we take a deeper dive into the game of roulette. To discover some of the facts you’ve probably never heard of. We tend to have the attitude that the more you know about the game, then the greater the possibilities of winning. You never know, maybe some new piece of information can turn your roulette game around. And in so doing, increase your jackpot winning chances.
Roulette Facts: The Games Can Be Vastly Different
If you were to ask any member of the public, or even a novice gambler, to check 100 roulette tables, they would probably tell you they were all the same. But in reality, you’ll find two different casino roulette games. One involves the single zero wheel and is called European roulette. Another game features a double zero in American Roulette. It’s true that the two games are absolutely identical, but for the addition of a second zero. Of course, many gamblers will spot this difference. But it’s typical among roulette facts that they are unaware of how this extra zero affects the casino’s house edge.
Because all casinos are looking to their own advantages, you’ll find most will offer the American wheel. But there are still plenty of casinos out there that have the European version. We strongly suggest that you only ever play on the latter. With the European roulette wheel, the house edge on even-money bets is 2.7%. This means that on average, you’ll lose around $2.70 for every $100 you bet. Remember this average is over a long period of time. Therefore this specific number will not be true for all players in the same situation.
The addition of another zero to the American roulette wheel pretty much doubles the house edge. Bringing it up to 5.26%. This translates to you losing nearly twice as fast as if you are playing on its European counterpart. And that’s why you should always stick to the single zero wheels. It will give you much better results, with the possibility to win the jackpot online, whether you’re playing long or short term.
Roulette Facts: The Tables Have Loads Of Bets
When you first took over the roulette table, you can be quite overwhelmed by the huge selection of wagers available. There are a huge variety of numbers to bet on. But one of the most overlooked roulette facts is that you can hedge your bets. You do this by placing your chips on the corners of the betting squares. This allows you to cover multiple numbers. Some of the most famous bets are the even-money bets. These include things like red/black and odd/even. Then you can choose a range of numbers to bet on for each spin.
These are known as inside or outside bets. Among the casino facts, you should know that an inside bet offers a much higher house edge. But it also offers the highest payouts. If you’re utilizing outside bets, then you’ll find these are close to even money. We suggest that you stick with these latter bets. Your bankroll will thank you for it later.
The Strategy In Roulette Is Simple
When it comes to playing roulette, there are no secret jackpot winning strategies. Nevertheless, you’ll find a huge number of casino gamblers who insist that by utilizing certain playing strategies they’re able to find hidden ways to gain significant profits. For us, there is only one strategy when playing roulette. That is too simply stake with even-money bets made on wheels with the lowest house edge. Yes, we know it’s true that even-money bets aren’t really going to lead to any huge wins. But on the other hand, they will allow you to enjoy yourself for much longer as they stretch out your bankroll.
Roulette Facts: It’s Full Of Betting Systems
Of all the flawed betting systems available in roulette, the worst is the Martingale system. With this, you double your bet each time you lose on even-money wagers. And each time you win, the stake gets reset. So if you wager $20 and lose, then the next bet should be $40. When it’s written down on the back of a napkin, the Martingale system appears to make perfect sense. It seems to be one of the most viable roulette facts. The problem is that, though the system may appear to make sense, there are various other factors at play that it fails to take into account.
First off, if you were to lose four consecutive wagers, then after an initial bet of $25, you would be out of pocket by $400. If you were to lose the fifth bet then that would cost you $800. If you’re in this type of hole then your chances of getting out become increasingly expensive. Another factor that the proponents of the Martingale system never mentioned is the fact that all casino tables will have a maximum bet limit. You may well find that your $800bet will not be accepted.
Always Avoid Mini Roulette
This is a shrunken version of the regular game of roulette, but featuring only 13 numbers on the roulette wheel. As a given, we suggest you stay well away from this roulette variant. That’s because it offers by far the worst house edge, coming in at nearly 8%. This is 3x the house edge you’ll find when playing European Roulette. We’ll admit that the game is good fun. But with the house edge on par with a slot machine, you’re better off to search out a European wheel.
French Roulette Has The Best Chance Of Winning
By far our favourite version of the game of roulette is French roulette. All the same regular roulette rules apply. And it’s played on a European wheel. But there is one significant exception. And this is the “partage rule.” It comes into play if the ball lands on the zero. In which case the player is able to retrieve half of his initial bet. As you can see, this drops the house edge to a tiny 1.35%, This rule is extremely favourable for the player. In fact, it’s approaching baccarat territory. Making it one of the lowest house edges in the whole casino. If you’re off to a brick and mortar casino, then you may well struggle to find a French roulette table. But at an online casino site like 22 Bet Casino, you’ll certainly find an exciting French roulette game.
Roulette Facts: Online Casino Roulette Games Are The Best
And speaking of online casinos and roulette facts, we suggest that for all roulette players, they offer the most sustainable means of play. Not only that but all the top online casinos will offer you a huge number of incentives and bonuses. A typical example would be 22Bet Casino. They give all new players a tasty welcome bonus of 122% up to €300! Keep in mind that these bonuses can help boost your initial bankroll. This allows you to play their jackpot games for much longer, thereby increasing your level of knowledge and skill whilst you gamble.
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