Reasons to Be a Casino Dealer Today

Image source:So you fancy being a casino dealer. How hard can that be? Well, you’re gonna need some training. But after that it’s a great job with great perks.
Introduction: Top Reasons to be a Casino Dealer
Of course, we’ve all seen them in the movies. Dealing the cards and keeping cool, while all those around them appear to be losing their heads. have you ever thought that this could e a job for you? Keep in mind it falls under the “service industry” bracket, meaning that you’ll be dealing with the public. And we all know what a pain in the neck that can be! But every job has some negatives. Also, no industry is recession-proof. But people love to gamble, and it’s one of the oldest pastimes. So we don’t think there’s going to be any lack in demand for croupiers and dealers any time soon. Let’s have a look at some reasons to work at the casino.
Casino Dealer: Pay
Some dealers are making over $100,000 per year. That’s some serious money right there. OK…the average job isn’t going to be paying that much. But when you start, even at a relatively small casino, you’re gonna to be pulling in a least $25 per hour. many pay a little less, and many pay a little more. Remember that you’ll need to add tips on top of this. It’s really not bad for a beginners pay.
Minimum Education Needed
Nearly all casinos offer some form of in-house training. And for most jobs, in just a couple of weeks, you’ll be able to handle yourself at the casino games table. Now there are top end casinos who only want experienced and trained dealers. There are others who are looking for candidates who have been previously trained in dealer schools. If you want to go this route, then the dealer school fees are around $500 for a decent training in blackjack and several other card games. We’d like to assume that you give yourself lots of practice in your own time to become as competent as possible.
Casino Dealer: Benefits
Most casinos belong to large umbrella corporations and are therefore able to offer excellent benefits. In this age of the gig economy, have things like 401K match programs and medical benefits are really worth their weight in gold. Also, many casinos offer to pay off your job related collage classes. You’d be surprised at the deals human resources are offering in order to attract the best talent.
Working Conditions
In the US there are still some casinos that allow smoking, which can be a negative. On the other hand, because most casinos want to hang on to good staff, you’ll likely to find any number of perks and great working conditions. The working environment itself is always, clean, tidy and light. Many employer dining room as as good as those for the customers. Most are free to employees, those there are some that charge a minimum subsidized fee of a couple of dollars.

Because the majority of casinos are run as 24 hour establishments, there will be shifts. Many allow the staff to organize their own work schedules among themselves. So you can arrange your own time off to exactly when it suits you. Often there is on-site accommodation for those working late.
Casino Dealer: Tips
As with all US based service industries, your pay is very much dependent upon tips. because almost all casinos let their employees keep their own tips, it has a massive impact on how much they can potentially earn. Obviously, the harder you work and the more effort you put into taking care of your guest, will come around in the form of greater tips. Some casinos work a “split-joint” tipping system. Here all the tips are split equally depending on hours worked.
Because the work does require a high level of concentration, casinos are very generous with breaks. On the whole, for every hour worked you’ll get a 15 minute break. This means an 8 hour work day is actually 6 hours in reality.
Casino Dealer: Team Spirit
Because there’s a lot of resting time, there’s also lots of time to share stories and make friends. Shift work also has the same effect. It’s great to feel that you belong to a team and that after a while, you’ll all be looking out for each other.
Mobility and Transfers
As we previously mentioned, because many casinos are part of larger concerns, then there’s always the possibility to move around, e it to another casino, or even another part of the country. Once you have some casino experience, then the world’s your oyster. Other-wise, you can stay put and apply to be Pit Boss. All in in good time.
Working in a casino offers a flexibility seldom found with other jobs. To that end, should you so choose, you can work either part of full time. It means that if your going to collage, then casino dealing can make a great, well-paying part time job. Of course, it’s not a job for everyone. But if you try and see if you like it, then there’s a great career waiting for you further down the line.
If you are interested in a casino dealer career, the first step is to learn the jackpot terms.