Poker Study Groups
In this age of instant connectivity, it can’t be a surprise to find that like-minded individuals get together to discuss their common interests. Well, the same is true of poker players who are looking to improve their game. After all, you can only get so far in the game if you’re just practicing on your own. In fact, it’s quite possible to become “unmotivated” when trying to improve your skills, as you’ll have no one to motivate you up-wards and on-wards. And that’s where poker study groups come into the equation. By studying alongside other keen players, you’ll find both the strategic help and motivation to improve and progress.
How Do Poker Study Groups Work?
Essentially, poker study groups are a bunch of like-minded individuals who set aside time to help each other improve. You can play together, enter strategy discussions, help with knows and ticks, and provide that much-needed motivation. There are probably going to be some guidelines from a social perspective, but apart from manners, then anything goes as long as it’s poker related. maybe the leader of the group might put more emphasis on hand analysis as opposed to sweating sessions. As well as deciding the program structure, the group leader will also make the schedule and method of teaching. These can be Skype sessions, Facebook messenger group meet up or whatever social platform is easiest for everyone.
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All this looks easy on paper, but just like finding the best site to play poker might also look easy, it will require a certain amount of juggling as everyone has different work and free time schedules. The idea behind poker study groups is that no one is left out and misses important classes.
Requirements to Join a Poker Study Group
Nearly all poker study groups should be free to join. having said that, you’ll find that there are certain prerequisites for would-be members. This is really to ensure that everyone is more or less the same level of gameplay. Also, you only want serious members, who really are motivated to learn and teach. For example, a mid-stakes cash player ids not going to want to be going over basic strategy, as that class is really for beginners. So membership guidelines are there to ensure that only the relevant players can join. After all, you want everyone to both benefits as well as contribute.
Pros of Poker Study Groups
First things first, in order to become a better player, it’s not necessary to join an online poker study group. having said that, let’s have a look at some of the positive points.
Great Way to Improve Your Game
This is the main reason why study groups have ballooned in popularity. Simply put; they work! maybe not everyone. But in principle, participants have a much greater prospect of seeing improvement in their game if they participate in a poker study group. And to set up a study group is not really a ball breaker, as you can simply advertise using social media and be up and running within an evening.
More Accountability for Learning Strategy
Wanting to be better at something is not enough. You have t make a sacrifice and put the time into it. In this way study groups more or less force you to make time. having a strict schedule as to when you all meet up can certainly help focus the mind.
Gain Access to New Concepts and Viewpoints
One of the main problems with studying solo is that you only get to see your own point of view. And you can’t assume that you’re constantly correct in your judgment. This is especially true after a game. Trying to self-analyze is very difficult. We make bad self-critics. So having others help us see more clearly as there are probably a number of points that we miss. Listening to other opinions and hearing of other strategies and concepts is positive in the long term.
Make Poker Friends
Never forget the social element of anything that you do. It is as equally important to any other reason. Playing with like-minded individuals, who all have a passion for the same thing is a great way of meeting and making new friends. Of course, when you’re playing cash games and jackpot poker at the poker table in the casino, you’re not really going to be bonding with any of the other players! But having online friends and colleagues is also a means of encouragement.
Cons of Poker Study Groups
OK…so we’ve covered the main benefits of poker study groups. But as with all things in life, there can be some negatives. Let’s have a look.
Barriers to Entry
Nearly all poker study groups will come with any number of barriers to entry. These will be in the form of requirements and guidelines. After all, they don’t just want to let in any Tom, Dick, or Harry. Now, provided that you take your game seriously and continue playing, then you’ll find a group who’ll accept you. But do be prepared for some rejections along the way. Don’t take it personally. Just keep pressing forwards and you’ll discover like-minded individuals who have a seat at a group that’s fit your level and playing style perfectly. Another point is that you can always form your own study group. But we suggest that you need to of belonged to several before making that move. Running a group is not as easy as it might look, especially if you’ve never experienced one.
Group-think Can Arise
One of the many problems with a group of similar individuals all with the same interest and maybe, motivations, is that “group-think” can result. essentially this is when a group shares the same opinion without critical thought. The primary driving force ids maintaining friendships as opposed to find the best solutions. As a group, it’s only natural you all want to avoid any type of conflict. But this is the road to group failure. The ability to criticize and accept criticism is of upmost importance. there must always be room for constructive criticism without anyone getting butt-hurt or leaving the group in a huff. Apparently we’re all adults!
Certain Members Won’t Contribute Much
Look, the reason for joining poker study groups is to improve your game. And for that to happen it means that there are other playing contributing to the overall effort. And from this, you’ll e directly benefiting. So please make the effort to give something back. The group cannot function if only a few feel that they are making all the effort. We would go so far as to suggest that the group leader be prepared to cut those who aren’t willing to contribute. Otherwise the moral of the whole group can take a nose-dive.
Is a Study Group the Answer to Boosting Your Poker Skills?
There are poker study groups and then there are poker study groups. None of them are a guarantee of future success. And you’ll find that many of them have such serious drawbacks as to make them a waste of time. But, if we balance all the pusses and minuses, then we think that poker study groups can be a great help, especially for the budding poker layer. Reading books about poker strategies and concepts can get old mighty fast. Going on the same journey with a bunch of other like-minded people is always going to be much more fun.
But do keep in mind, that at the end of the day, you are the one sat at the poker table. Alone, playing for real money. You will float or sink based on your own merits. Good Luck!
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