Poker Clothing To Give You A Psychological Advantage

The Psychology Of Your Poker Clothing
If you’re new to playing poker then you may be in for quite a shock at how people dress. In fact, it is fair to say that the casino attire of poker players can be very confusing. If you have watched many Hollywood movies, you’re probably under the impression that poker players like James Bond are dressed in tuxedos with bow ties. However, in today’s casinos, you’ll find that almost any poker clothing dress code is acceptable.
Watching the players sitting around the poker table you’ll see a full range of wardrobes and accessories. Yet many of the poker clothing items chosen by top poker players have more profound implications. Many choose items that will help them mask their tells. In addition, they are trying to put their opponents off on a psychological level. Today at, we thought we take look into the jackpot winning strategies employed by poker players by utilising their clothing.
Dressed For Success
Many people claim that by looking good, they feel good, and therefore feel more confident and more likely to be successful. This goes for the casino player as it means putting on a tuxedo. By feeling sharp, they feel they can act sharply. After all, by being comfortable and relaxed, you’re going to make better decisions for both yourself and your bankroll.
On a practical level, it’s worth keeping in mind that many land-based casinos are not that warm inside. Many poker rooms are much smaller than the busy casino gaming floors. They tend to have fewer people in them. As a result, the room temperature is much cooler. From a purely practical point, it’s better that you dress in a few layers of poker clothing.
Poker Clothing That Flies In The Face Of Convention
If you spend any time watching poker on television, you’re probably a little taken aback as to how the poker players are dressed. After all, don’t all casinos have a dress code which they strongly enforce? Take a stroll around the casino gaming floor and you will not see any working clothes, t-shirts, baseball caps and hooded sweatshirts. Yet around the poker table, these items of poker clothing are commonly found. Of course, if you’re playing online like Bovada Casino at home, nobody can see that you’re still in your pyjamas.
It appears as if poker players do not concern themselves with social norms or with trying to blend in with other gamblers. They don’t care about being entertained. In fact, their sole focus is on making money. Obviously, there’s a thrill that comes with a win. But on the whole, they are looking for any factor that will help them overcome the house edge.
Poker Sharks On Patrol
In truth, most poker players who have some experience in the game will be like sharks. They will be patrolling the poker rooms looking for tables with novice players. They are then able to take these inexperienced gamblers for all their cash. Essentially, a poker room is full of sharks and their unknowing prey. From a psychological perspective, it could be said that the veteran poker player doesn’t care about the norms of the casino. He’s only focusing on his next meal.
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Gaining Every Advantage
With poker being such a competitive game, it’s not surprising that all players are looking for an edge. Whatever jackpot winning strategies they implement, it’s all to gain an advantage. This will involve two factors; the tool of poker psychology and the tool of gamesmanship. It’s also important to keep in mind that all the other players are looking at your behaviour and strategies, whilst at the same time trying to undermine your efforts. This means that all players sitting around the poker table are under constant scrutiny. With this in mind, it’s not a big shock that players will make use of their poker clothing to help mask any tells. At the same time, dressing in a certain way can be a great means to intimidate weaker players.
The Ugly Mirrored Sunglasses
Probably the most outstanding clothing accessory you’ll notice around the poker table is mirrored sunglasses. You can thank the World Series of Poker winner, Chris Moneymaker, for first introducing this. At the time, they look like fashion faux pas and certainly looked terrible. But at the end of the day, he proves his point. His concern was that more experienced players would be able to read his hands by any emotions his eyes might show. So by using cheap Chinese sunglasses he was able to solve his problem.
The Intimidation Factor
As previously mentioned, some poker players use poker clothing in a certain manner in order to intimidate the competition. Dark glasses are commonly in use as they give a mysterious appearance. Other players might wear their WSOP bracelets. This shows that they’re at the very top of their game which can be intimidating, especially for new players. There are a number of veteran players who sit down at the table, and after the ante bets, reach into their pocket and pull out a WSOP gold bracelet, and put it on. You can feel the tension at the table suddenly increase. Other players, particularly those with less experience, instantly become nervous.
Your Poker Clothing May Make You A Target
If you do decide to take the path of intimidation, then make sure you can back it up. As previously mentioned, you’ll come across many sharks looking for easy pickings. Be wary when you sit down because many of these players are territorial animals and fiercely competitive. You may well find that your intimidating ways simply lead these players to be unhappy with you. After all, to all intents and purposes, you are in direct competition with them.
Making Other Poker Players Angry
Nevertheless, it could be argued that by making other players annoyed, you are in some way having the intended results. After all, if they become angry, it means they have heightened emotions and are more likely to make mistakes. Jackpot poker is, as you know, an unforgiving game and mistakes lead to the bankroll being depleted. It’s a zero-sum game, in that when someone is losing money, it means someone else is winning. If you’re going to be intimidating other players, make sure you can really play better than them. All your poker clothing items and swagger will put a target on your forehead. As soon as they find the opportunity they will push you off the table and grab your chips.
Poker Clothing Hiding Fear
Unsurprisingly, many poker players are trying to disguise their emotions and tics in the poker room by dressing in a certain manner. The bottom line here is that they’re trying to hide their fear. Many players who sit down at the table with poker clothing like a hoodie, baseball cap and sunglasses, are not trying to be cool. They are simply trying to bluff away the fact that they are bricking it. To that end, we suggest that all poker players would be much better off not concerning themselves with silly items of clothing.
But rather with improving their poker skills and learning some jackpot winning tips and tricks. Just because someone is dressed like the Unabomber doesn’t mean they have the skills to back it up. Let them play a few rounds first. Then sniff the air to see if you can smell fear. If you can, then go for the kill.
Should Poker Clothing Masking Be Allowed?
Maybe there are some purist poker players who might be unhappy at the use of masking strategies utilising clothing. On the one hand, they argue that being able to read the opponent is part and parcel of real money gambling. They find that covering up any ticks and tells makes their life more difficult. With this in mind, you’ll find that there are a number of poker clubs and private cash games that prohibits such things as sunglasses and baseball caps.
Casinos Need To Make Money
In many ways, it’s understandable why these measures are in place. After all, the casino is a business and they want to encourage as many people as possible to bet on their games. If there’s some massive tool sitting at the poker table and dressed from head to tail in a manner that gives away nothing, then it’s going to put off other would-be potential players. Casinos need as many people as possible sitting at the poker table and playing through their bankrolls.
Poker Clothing Makes Little Difference
At the end of the day, your poker clothing will not have a huge effect on the game’s outcome. First and foremost you need a deep understanding of the rules, gameplay and poker strategy. Wearing a hat and sunglasses is not going to make up for your lack of knowledge. When playing at an online casino like Bovada Casino, the lack of reads and tells from your opponents should have no effect on your play. A deeper understanding of the game is what’s going to lead you to win the jackpot online. Nothing else matters.
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