The Best Day of the Week to Play Slots in Casinos

Introduction: The Best Day of the Week to Play Slots in Casinos
Casinos are open 24 hours a day. Seven days a week. So you can enjoy playing slots machines at any time of the day or night. But for some reason, there are players who are convinced that your playing chances are better on a particular day of the week. The majority of experts say that there’s absolutely no difference between days and that all the slots machines behave in the same manner irrespective of the day, week or month. If you choose one of the best jackpot slot machines it will anyways…
Normal Math Says Nope
We at Jackpotfinder tend to agree with the so-called experts. The machines are programmed to payout without care as to the when or even the why. The author, John Robinson of, “The Slot Expert’s Guide to Playing Slots,” says that there’s absolutely no difference and the odds remain the same, no matter when you choose to play. Even the America Gaming Association agrees with him. It says that any slots machine has a no greater chance of paying out a win after any given period of time. It’s all random. So there are no best days to play slots in casinos.
Play Slots in Casinos: Alternative Theory
But there’s always another view waiting in the wings. Victor Royer wrote a book called, “Powerful Profits From Slots”. He believes that you should watch the slots machines and the greatest chance of a win is after a period of time without one. This makes our brains hurt! He also says that you should be playing the slots machines between 1 am – 7 am as up until that point they would have had an extensive play. Another author, Gayle Mitchell agrees, saying that the best time for playing the slots is between 2 am and 6 am on a Monday. This is because the machines would have experienced a busy weekend. Therefore are more likely to pay out the next day. Keep in mind that neither of these two “experts” has ever won a jackpot. He should re-title his book, ” Powerful Profits From Slots and Suckers”.
Very Early Monday Morning
It’s true that nearly all casinos will experience more traffic at the weekends. That’s common sense. Duh! And that their slots machines would have had more active during this period. So for these poor deluded authors, then it makes perfect sense that early morning on a Monday will have a greater possibility of hitting the jackpot. So that must be the best time to play slots in casinos. Looking at their own lifestyles, it’s difficult to believe that they have lived well from their own medicine. Bro tip: they haven’t!
Practical Considerations
Then we have to dial in the cost of hotels, food and beverage and days off work in order to make their plan come to fruition. And because most casinos are packed at the weekends, then the cost of lodgings is then higher. Time off work is gonna cut into any profit you might score due to the day’s loss of income. it goes without saying that personal preferences should play an important role in this decision-making process.

Play Slots in Casinos: Look for Bonus Days
In the Frommer’s 2010 Guide to Las Vegas, you can earn bonus points at various casinos. These are then redeemable as dinners, show tickets, and gifts. Many casinos also offer bonus days for these comps. Visiting these bonus days is more likely to guarantee you a win. And even if it’s not a cash jackpot, at least there are other prizes on offer. So in that respect, yes, visiting on those particular days will increase your odds of being a winner. Or you can stay home and win the jackpot online.
Hit the Slots During the Week
The publication “Destination 360” recommends that you play slots in casinos during the week. It says that because the venues are full at the weekends, then it’s only during these quieter periods that you’ll be able to fully scout out the slots machines you really want to play. That makes perfect sense. but it doesn’t change the fact that the time of day or day of the week has no say in whether you win or not. It sounds to us like two authors trying to sell their books.
Click here to visit the King Billy Casino where doesn’t matters which day it is