Multiple Lottery Tickets: Are The Odds Better?

Image source:Introduction: Buying Multiple Lottery Tickets
You don’t need to be a wizard at mathematics to see that the chances of winning are absurdly small. We all know that you have a greater chance of being struck by lightning than those tiny lottery balls coming up with your numbers. But, rather than waiting for a lightning strike in the middle of a football pitch during a thunderstorm, is there a method of increasing our odds? How about simply buying multiple lottery tickets?
The Math Behind Multiple Lotto Tickets
Now if you’re buying tickets in the local school lottery to support school sports or whatever, then buying multiple lottery tickets will certainly help you towards your goal of winning. That’s because the number of tickets available is relatively small. Thus the more you buy (you could of course simply buy them all!) the greater the odds of having at least one of your tickets as the winner. If there are 100 tickets and you purchase 5 of them, then you will have a 5% chance of winning. This compares with a 1% chance if you were to only buy one.
But when dealing with state or national lotteries things become a bit more complicated. That’s because any number of people could pick the same winning numbers. So it’s not based necessarily on the number of tickets sold, but on the numbers that come up. Then they are the sheer scale of a national lottery. Meaning that the odds of correctly guessing the right numbers are incredibly small. In fact the numbers are so vast in the range that most people would have difficulty imagining just how large they really are.
The Numbers are Really Big!
Imagine that you’re sat in the middle of a packed football stadium. There’s a single prize that’ll be given away to someone around you. But now imagine that there are thousands of these same packed stadiums and you’ll begin to get the idea of just how small your odds are. Remember that if you’re playing the US Powerball Lottery, you will need to match 5 numbers plus the Powerball in order to win. According to Powerball’s own website, your odds are 292,201,338 of winning. Easy! So, buying 2 tickets only will give you odds of 2 in 292,201,338. Not much of a difference there. And if you were to go all out and splash out on buying multiple lottery tickets. Well, put if this way, your odds are only slightly better than being killed by a falling vending machine. So, pretty slim.
Tips to Help You Win the Lottery
So, if spending huge sums on buying multiple lottery tickets isn’t really that helpful, what other means or strategies are there that could actually improve your chances. Here are a few top tips from players who have had the good fortune to win multiple times…

Buying Multiple Lottery Tickets: Play the Whole Board
When most people pick numbers they tend to pick anniversaries and birthdays. Of course, these numbers are going to be more lucky, right? No! By playing this way, you’re only playing numbers 1 – 31, which leaves the rest of the board empty. By spreading the numbers more, you’ll have a greater possibility of being the only winner. Or at least splitting the winnings with much fewer people.
Be Consistent
This refers to making a consistent effort to buy your tickets. If you don’t play then how on earth can you have a chance of winning? Take a look at our ultimate lottery scanner to find the best options.
Buying Multiple Lottery Tickets: Stick to a Budget
As with all forms of gambling, it’s important to remain within a predefined budget. Don’t go getting carried away and buying more than you can afford to the detriment of your rent or food money. It doesn’t matter what your friends are doing or how many tickets they are buying, you must always stick to your own limits. As the jackpot rises, some people get caught up in a kind of lottery fever, and start throwing even more funds into ticket buying multiple lottery tickets. Keep in mind, that just because the jackpot is rising, doesn’t mean that the odds of winning have changed.
Try Multiple Lotteries
Instead of buying multiple lottery tickets for one lottery, why not spread the love and buy tickets for different lottery games. This way you’ll have more competitions to keep an eye on, so the fun element will be much higher. We would suggest buying a ticket for both the Powerball and the Mega Millions. or why not invest in buying tickets in much smaller lotteries. he odds will be better and you’ll have something else to look forwards to as you await for your huge life altering wins from the other major lotteries. Also, follow the latest lottery news to be aware of which one worths your attention.
Wondering if These Tips Really Work?
Iowa Grandmother Lerynne West played the lottery twice a week for many years. Whilst being a single mum to three daughters was tough in that she also worked full time, she always made sure she had enough to buy multiple lottery tickets. Finally on November 5th 2018, her ship came into port. She was the winner of the third ever largest lottery. All in all she won $343.9 million. Wisely she decided to pt for the lump sum payment of $198.1 million. This is considered the best option for those who can control their spending urges.
Before this win, the most she’d won was $150. But she said that the most important thing was what good could she do with the money. To that end, her family is setting up the Callum Foundation. Its goals will be to make grants to help alleviate poverty and hunger and encourage education, animal welfare, and help for veterans. West’s father was a Vietnam War veteran.
“When I would dream about (the lottery) I would get all frivolous and have a whole lineup of cars that I was going to buy, and that’s not the case anymore,” West said. “Once you have won and you realize the responsibility and the impact you can make, all frivolity goes out the window.”
Hmmm…I wonder if she’s looking for a husband to help with the spending!
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