How to Gamble in Vegas: Useful Tips

If you’re planning a trip to Nevada in the near future, you’ll need to keep your wits about you. Thus, we’ve prepared this short but sweet segment on how to gamble in Vegas. After all, you’ll be entering Sin City, where you’ll come across a lot of madness. Gambling is no easy game either. Find out exactly how to manage your time and you’re going to leave Las Vegas a winner.
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An Introduction on How to Gamble in Vegas
First and foremost, we must define what it means to have a successful trip to Nevada. When entering Las Vegas, you’ll be in the number one holiday destination for gambling and excitement. Hence, you should certainly see some of the sights and participate in those events.
But when the nighttime comes and you prepare for an evening of playing, you’ve got to forget about the vacation altogether. Gambling is an unpredictable past-time, but you can certainly improve your chances of winning by sticking to some basic guidelines. Who wouldn’t want to leave Vegas with more money in their pockets than what they arrived with, right? Well, if you keep in mind the next few points, you could be one of those successful players who get one-up on Vegas.
Set a Budget
Before you even contemplate entering a casino, the first thing you’ll need to do is set a budget. This number will vary from one player to the next. However, by setting a budget, of how much you are prepared to lose, you will be thanking yourself later on. If things don’t happen to go your way, at least you haven’t broken the bank or spent any of your savings on gambling. This step is what’s called “responsible gambling”. To make sure you follow this budget to a tee, you can even go as far as entering the casino with nothing but the cash you want to spend there. Leave your wallet and credit cards at home and play with what you’ve got.
Respect the Limit
Once you’ve set your own limit, the next friendly piece of info would be to respect this amount. Do not go overboard by cashing out more from the ATM that’s located right at the back of the casino. Also, and this one’s fairly obvious, don’t play with money that isn’t yours. Let us warn you immediately, borrowing someone else’s money to gamble is definitely a no-go.

Bring your Finest Watch
In all fairness, even if you bring a Casio watch, that’ll do the job. The most important thing is that you need to be able to see what the time is and know how long you’ve been at the casino.
Have you ever noticed that most casinos have blacked out windows and no clocks? Well, this is a trick which is used to confuse our primitive human senses. By not having a clue what time it is, us players tend to forget how long we’ve been staying in the casino, spending our money. Get on top of the situation by bringing a watch with you and noting at what time you entered the casino. There’s one true saying about casinos.
“The house always wins”
And, the longer you stay there and play, the longer the house has time to beat you.
Keep an Eye on your Chips
There’s a reason why casinos play with chips rather than with banknotes. Players do not have as much of an attachment to a casino chip than to a banknote. Thus, playing with chips can lead to throwing down more than what you wish to play with.
In order to know how to gamble in Vegas, we strongly advise you remember at all times what the chip represents. Your money! Do not treat it lightly. Play with how much you’re willing to spend and don’t go throwing chips down at every opportunity. You wouldn’t do the same with the banknotes in your wallet right now, would you?
Avoid Alcoholic Beverages
One of the many awesome things about Vegas is that you can gamble and get served free drinks. Well, let us burst that bubble you’re living in. Those drinks aren’t free! They come at a cost.
When drinking in a casino, you’re loosening up and playing into the house’s advantage. If you’re under the influence, you’ve got a weakened sense of judgment and reactions. Thus, to be on your A-game, you’ll want to steer clear of any free drinks and focus completely on playing the game.

Be Careful where you Play
Another thing you’ll want to keep an eye out for is where you decide to sit when playing. If you stay at a table where the dealer knows all the players’ name, that means you’re sitting with the locals. Now, you’re just a tourist who’s enjoying a weekend trip away at Vegas. They’re far more used to the ambience and what it takes to win. Don’t play with a target on your back in Vegas. Stick to empty tables or to ones where everyone is just there for the experience. If you sit with the locals, you’re probably going in at the deep end when you don’t even know how to swim.
Be Cautious with Free Lessons
Now, this next tip on how to gamble in Vegas is typically strictly for Las Vegas. Usually, we’d not be so against free lessons in a casino. However, in Vegas, everything is different. The free lessons which may be offered could be a way of deceiving you to play more. All we’re saying is that we wouldn’t recommend taking whatever the speakers are telling you too seriously. If you want to become a better gambler and player, why not read a book on gambling instead. Alternatively, there’s many YouTube videos available and our own very own guides to win the jackpot.
VIP a No-Go
Interestingly enough, the VIP section in Vegas is certainly not worthwhile. The whole strategy behind it is to give the Kennedy service whilst you play. Hence, you feel like a very important person. However, whilst playing in the VIP section, you’ll also be subject to playing with huge blinds and placing large bets. Thus, whilst you’re in the VIP zone, you’ll also be a target for the casino, as they try and part you with your chips.
Know when to Stop
If you’re in the casino and you’re on a good roll, one of the most difficult things to do is stop whilst you’re ahead. If you’ve tripled up, then we’d say that’s certainly a good time to stop playing. After all, the longer you stay, the more likely you are to eventually end up with nothing.

Here’s a friendly piece of advice. Casinos do not want you to leave. Hence, they made a brilliant system which works wonders. It is already hard enough to leave a casino when you’ve got a handful of chips. So, Vegas casinos make sure that you will not be able to exchange your chips for banknotes with ease. Locate the point where you can make this exchange when entering so that it is easier to leave later on. You’ll be saving yourself time and, most probably, money too.
The Bottom Line
To conclude this segment on how to gamble in Vegas, we’ll leave you with this. Always keep an eye out for these simple steps and you’ll already be ahead of many players there. Another thing to remember is that you’re on holiday. Hence, there’s no rush to bet immediately half of your stack when joining a table. There’s nothing wrong with hovering around a table for a while to get the right feeling. Once you’ve found yourself a table where you feel comfortable, you can begin playing.
Do not blow all your chips in one go! Make sure that whilst you’re playing you try and take the game at a steady pace so that you’ll be able to enjoy the experience longer. And, if you do happen to make some cash, it’s vitally important to know when to quit. You don’t want to end up broke having doubled-up mid-playing. This is completely and utterly avoidable. Thus, you are sure to locate where is the exchange place in which you can withdraw your banknotes from the chips. Keep in mind, these are not necessarily the same places as where you can get chips. It’s always way easier to exchange cash into chips than the other way around. Yes, Vegas is certainly a circus when it comes to gambling. You’re going to want to increase your jackpot winning chances before setting foot in any casino on the Las Vegas Strip. Feel free to have a read up on our strategies to get an advantage against the house.
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