Gaming Cheating – Why Online Gamers Choose To Cheat

Gaming Cheating In Online Console Games
As a regular gambler, you probably think that cheating has incredible negative connotations attached to it. Here at, we feel the same way. But a recent survey of more than 1,000 gamers across America shows us a different approach. This was an in-depth look to help understand what console players consider constitutes gaming cheating. It also looked into the perception of cheating on the whole. And whether there should be a punishment for it.
Now if you’re an online gamer, then we’re sure you have experience with cheating. Whether you’ve done it yourself or seen others do it. It might be a good idea to understand how these situations should be handled in a casino setting when we see how online gamers deal with them. After all, when Bodog Casino gamblers go to the casino to win the jackpot, they feel themselves under the same pressure as gamers sitting at their consoles. The survey took note of players’ favourite cheats, as well as the manner in which cheating has impacted their overall playing experience. You can even find preferences as they relate to their console choice depending on the cheating frequency.
Key Takeaways
The first shocking statistic is that over 77% of gamers thought that it’s perfectly fine to cheat when playing. Of the possible games, the greatest gaming cheating was to be found in Age of Empires 2. As for consoles, PC gamers are considered to be the biggest online cheats. They are closely followed by PlayStation users. What’s interesting here is that the vast majority of gamers didn’t view cheating in a negative light. In fact, over three-quarters of those answering thought that cheating was perfectly acceptable when playing video games. Not surprisingly, over 81% of these players thought that it’s perfectly fine to cheat when they’re playing alone.
Perhaps at this point, we should clarify exactly what players believe the definition of cheating really is. Whether you’re exploiting glitches in the gameplay or looking up answers online, both of these are considered cheating by the vast majority of players. Yet only 4% said that it was unacceptable to use the internet to find answers to your gameplay issues.
Then we have to take into account some ethical considerations. We can see that the majority of gamers would make three or four attempts at something before turning to cheat or looking for a solution online. Interestingly enough, most gamers are less likely to consider cheating acceptable when playing with other people. As opposed to when they’re playing alone. But such is the pressure to win the jackpot online, no one can help themselves.
Catalysts For Cheating
When it comes to the specifics of gaming cheating, then the survey asked players to share exactly what their cheats were, and why they use them. Without a doubt, the most popular method for players to cheat was making use of AI Computer Vision. This software is able to detect and pinpoint an enemy’s location on the screen. This helps the player to know exactly where to shoot. As you can imagine, there are many other applications for using AI Computer Vision which is why its use is so widespread amongst players. In a similar vein, over 1/3 of gamers are employing Aim-Bots. This software is similar to AI Computer Vision, though AimBots are primarily in use in first-person shooter games. They’re able to automatically lock onto your enemy targets.
Unfortunately, this built-in propensity for getting ahead by any means also happens in the world of online casinos. Most commonly, the use of poker bots means to increase your jackpot winning chances, which means that it’s virtually impossible to be beaten by any regular player. This is far removed from the less sophisticated cheating of yesteryear from the likes of Richard Marcus and Ida Summers. We should point out that many online casinos like the excellent Bodog Casino, run special software to identify bots.
How Gaming Cheating Escalates
A major problem occurs if one player sees another cheating. He will then try to “over-cheat” them by using more cheating to nullify their opponent’s cheats. And so it escalates. It was found that over 26% of gamers use “lag switching” and “artificial lags.” These allow them to pop up anywhere around the gaming map and make it very difficult to target them. Here’s another cheat that’s very common. It’s “ghosting”, with 24% of players admitting to its use. This involved sharing privileged information with other players. Then we have “auto-levelling” which can automatically generate new levels for players. Around 23% of those questions admit to using this.
Still, a big question is why on earth is gaming cheating so prevalent in the video game culture? Well in truthfulness, it looks as though it’s a type of laziness. Those who play may say that it makes the game more fun. There’s a certain truth to the fact that it helps them overcome their frustration of being unable to complete certain levels. Of those answering, more than a third said that they didn’t want to be losing with a huge gap when playing other players. Of course, wanting to win is probably the top motivator for cheating, with 33% of respondents claiming this to be the case.
The Biggest Gaming Cheaters
With cheating across all video jackpot games so prevalent, you’ll find that the limits of this behaviour don’t fall to a single demographic game or a console. When it comes to genders, we can find gaming cheating is similar among them. But when looking at generational differences, we find that younger responders are much more likely to cheat. Players from Generations Z are happy to cheat up to 83% of the time. With millennials, the number falls to 77%. Finally, generation X’s and baby boomers come in at 74%.
Looking at different consoles we can see that Nintendo players are at least likely to cheat. Furthermore, Nintendo players are the least likely to accept cheating from other players. PC users come top of the table when it comes to cheating.
Gaming Cheating: The Biggest Of All Time
As you’ll probably be aware, not all cheats are of equal stature. To that end, let’s make a list of the greatest cheats of all time. Without a doubt, the first place prize goes to a cheat in the game of Age of Empires 2. This cheat was the “Shelby Cobra.” Now as you already know, Age of Empires 2 is a real-time strategy game. Essentially, you’ll begin with a small town and a small-town economy in the feudal age. As time passes you’re able to expand your territory and increase resources. Shelby Cobra gaming cheating allowed players to send dozens of Cobra racing cars to lay siege to other settlements and attack other territories. It does sound rather bonkers using 1960s sports cars against a primitive civilization, but there we are.
Online Gamers Cheating: The Fallout
One of the problems with gaming cheating is that the level of satisfaction starts to suffer. According to the survey, 90% of single players and 24% of multiplayer gamers, felt dissatisfaction after cheating whilst playing. The problem here is that, even though it may relieve frustration and help win the battle, it’s still cheating. And the play utilising cheats knows this deep down. Many say that, especially with multiplayer games, cheating makes the whole gaming experience less enjoyable for them. Following on from this, over 75% claim that cheating has completely ruined the game for them. You’ll find that those playing on the Xbox are in the majority with this sentiment.
As for the consequences of gaming cheating, in the first place, you’re going to be kicked out of the game. It’s not really so much of a punishment because you still have the ability to rejoin later. Then there’s going to be a public outing on social media. Next up in severity is that the player will experience some form of temporary banning. What’s more noticeable today, is that an increasing number of players are becoming less tolerant of those who cheat. Many players are beginning to insist on permanent bans. Asking players what should happen with cheaters, more than a third say that permanent bans should be in place. Though 46% of those felt that a simple suspension was enough.
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