Why Is Gambling Illegal in Some Countries?

Introduction: Why Is Gambling Illegal in Some Countries?
Some countries appear to be perfectly happy to embrace gambling with jackpot games. And yet others see gambling as a crime and thus make it’s practice illegal. There are both religious and financial causes and a combination of both of these factors. Whenever you mix morality and practicality, you’re always going to end up with all parties being unsatisfied with the final legal outcome. With this article, we’re going to try and understand the underlying reasons for this difference in both the opinion and legality of having a flutter.
It goes without saying that there are those who, for one reason or another, lack the will power to control their own gambling. Developing a gambling habit that’s auto-destructive can lead to serious consequences for that individual, with bankruptcy and debt being at the forefront. In some cases, this can lead to the taking of one’s life. So it’s no surprise that some governments take the high road and ban gambling altogether. That’s not the case when you try gambling in Monte Carlo, luckily.
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Why Is Gambling Illegal in the First Place?
There are a myriad of reasons for making gambling illegal. Often these can revolve around religious issues, whereby gambling, like sex and alcohol, is considered sinful. Take a trip back to the era of the Puritans, who were strongly against anything that was taking you further from the Christian path. We can see the continuation of these “sins” in action today. Just watch any US horror movie, and you’ll see that the first ones to die are those who were drinking or having premarital sex. Interestingly enough, non of the religious books, be it the Bible, the Torah, the Qu’ran or the Śruti make any mention of gambling, or allude to such a thing as being sinful.
Having said that, there does appear to be an implied morality to be found in countries that have outlawed gambling. It’s as if gambling goes against a societal code of conduct. But most people agree than an all-out ban is counter-productive in that, not only will it fail to produce the desired results, it’ll also drive gambling underground to places where no legislation can reach. Yes, it is the government’s job to protect the population from harm. And that includes self-harm. But a total banning of all gambling activity points to the lack of a social framework that can deal solely with these problem individuals. It’s like banning all drivers because some people choose to drive their cars on the pavement.

People want to gamble, and gambling is as old as man himself. To make it illegal will only take gambling to dark unseen places. And in these unregulated situations, the problem gambler is not going to find the type of help he really needs. In other words, by making gambling illegal, you going to be doing more harm than good.
Is Gambling Legal Where You Live?
Different countries have different laws pertaining to gambling. And then again, they also have a different approach to different games. So a lottery might be perfectly acceptable, but other forms of betting, like jackpot bingo, are simultaneously illegal. And these laws can also be just for physical gambling ie casinos and betting shops, or they could cover all online gambling as well. If you have concerns about the legality of gambling where you are, then a quick Google Search will tell you everything.
There are many countries that haven’t passed any laws specifically aimed at gambling and the gambling industry. So, though it may not be illegal to gamble, you might find that there are no licensed casinos or gambling sites for you to play on. This often means you need to trust offshore websites, who in reality have zero obligation to pay you out or even return your initial deposit. Of course, there is any number of offshore brands with a good reputation. You should have no problems with trusting them with your hard-earned cash. Do keep in mind that there is a difference between a licensed offshore gambling website and an illegal gambling website.
Where Is Gambling Illegal?
Today, you’ll find a total of 15 countries where all forms of gambling are outlawed. In these places, you can’t participate in gambling of any shape or form what’s so ever. Doing so will lead to serious legal repercussions. On the whole, these countries are concerned about the degradation of moral values. There’s the idea that gambling will somehow lead to the eventual breakup and ruin of society. These countries include North Korea, Cyprus, United Arab Emirates, Brunei, Cambodia and Singapore. Also the Cayman Islands, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Algeria, Vatican City, and Pakistan. We feel that these countries will move towards the legalization of gambling at some point in the near future.

For one thing, governments find it hard to say no to a fabulous source of taxation. More so if it’s seen as a “sin” tax, in the same way, that taxing alcohol and cigarettes is somehow more acceptable to society as a whole. And as time passes, the younger population wants to have all those possibilities they perceive young people have in the West. One day this younger generation will have its turn in governance and so will bring about change. China and Japan, where gambling is technically banned, turn a blind eye to this practice. A quick stroll in the district of Shibuya in Tokyo and you’ll be surrounded by noisy brightly lit Pachinko machine parlors. In Japan, the introduction of gambling is seen as a means of social progress and everyone is searching how to win the jackpot.
Click here to read and learn about gambling in England
Is Gambling a Crime Even in Legal Markets?
Absolutely! In places where gambling has been legalized, there are still those who prefer to operate outside of the system. That’s all down to the taxes that would otherwise be going into governmental coffers. Many a criminal will use gambling as a means of laundering dirty money. After all, you only need to walk into a casino, change your money for chips, play but a single hand, and then go cash out for newly washed cash. The casinos never ask as to the source of gambling monies. To do so would certainly mean more no clients!
Will Gambling Remain Illegal in Places?
This is the six million dollar question. We believe that gambling will eventually be legalized across all countries at some point ti the future. For a start there’s no easier means of raising tax revenues. Then there’s tourism to consider. What’s interesting is that we can already see a slow change in attitudes towards gambling as a past time. In China, all gambling apart from state lotteries is banned, with severe punishments handed down to those caught. Yet at the same time, all Chinese nationals can travel freely to gambling hubs like Hong Kong and Macau.
Then we have the United States of America, Here gambling was illegal in many states until relatively recently. Now they’re able to bet on sports and play in casinos, but not in all states. So much for the land of the free.
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