Gambling Data – Keeping Your Credit Safe

Gambling Data – Keeping Your Credit Safe
Following the world news, we can see that many large and important US institutions were hacked last year. In fact, these clever cyber-attacks are getting all the more sophisticated whilst at the same time finding ways into the most secure of the secure networks, which are themselves protected by the highest level of cyber-security. If these highly protected players can so easily fall to external attacks, then what about the man in the street. Just how safe is the average member of the public?
Who Are These Hackers?
One point to keep in mind is that, though these huge businesses and institutions might fall foul of hackers, we’re not talking about script-kiddies here. These attacks are, on the whole, carried out by very well-funded sophisticated criminal groups. Often with the blessing of their governments behind them. They are not the same people who would waste their valuable time and energy bothering to hack your home wi-fi router or the bank account of your average gambler. For this, we can turn to another much less sophisticated group of hacking individuals, who solely target the regular population.
These criminals tend to work alone or be part of a very small group. They have enough skills for seizing credit card details, which may be either utilized by themselves or sold on. They are able to access your bank information and other banking and personal information. On the whole, they are not using any particular skills to get this information, but rather relying on weak spots and silly mistakes on the part of the victim in order to see their gambling data.
Gambling Data: Tipping the Odds
Looking at cyber-crime in terms of numbers of victims, then the penetration rate is incredibly low. You are highly unlikely to suffer any leakage of your gambling data that would result in someone being able to make use of your credit card, for example. If you stop and think about all those online gamblers taking to the virtual jackpot games tables each and every night, it’s plain to see that only a limited number of them will fall prey to criminals working online.
It’s probably because of the percentage of players that suffer any consequences of lax security, that many don’t do anything to protect themselves. In the same way that you’re chances of winning the grand prize from a progressive slot machine might be minuscule, the average player’s interpretations of their chances of being hacked are equally unlikely. But someone still has to win the progressive prize. Likewise, someone, somewhere, is getting their gambling data hacked.
When you’re gambling online, on sites to win the jackpot, there are some points during the gameplay when you’ll need to access your account and either deposit or withdraw cash. Though the online casino you’re playing at will have all sorts of sophisticated security measures in place, the weakest link in the whole process tends to be the player themselves. After all, when it comes down to online security, the online casino can only do so much. And the rest, the most important parts of inputting the actual gambling data, are left to the customer. Here are some basic things you should be following or implementing:
Use Your Own Computer
It’s never a good idea to use your credit card whilst on a computer other than your own. You have no means of knowing what’s installed on a third-party computer, let alone if there’s any harmful or malicious software sending your gambling data to a hacker. And many people compound this basic error of judgment by using the said device in a public space. They are potentially broadcasting all their personal gambling data to whoever’s listening in. Being aware of these errors is not the same as being paranoid. It’s simply about being cautious and taking internet security seriously.
Gambling Data: Don’t Share Connections
Once again, this is a huge no-no, and yet so commonly found. Sharing an internet connection is an invitation for trouble. Anyone else on the same network can easily see and copy all of your actions whilst online. Every keystroke and page visited can be recorded with very little effort. All your personal and banking details are sent instantaneously to a hacker, who will quickly make use of this gambling data, either for himself or by selling such information to those who have an even more sophisticated plan for what to do with your data. And all the while, you have no idea that this is all going on behind the scenes, so to speak.
Before you know it, it’s all too late to claw back those lost funds or gambling data. So, don’t enter personal or banking data over a shared connection.
No Emailing Credit Card Details
If you receive any emails requesting your bank details be sent by return mail, then you can be sure that this is a scam. No reputable casino would ever ask for any gambling data details by email. All information goes to and fro via a secure internet connection directly to their server. So the use of email is absolutely redundant. Using an email address to send financial gambling data is just asking for problems. On the casino’s website, all the banking information is held within a secure section of the website. That’s where all the details go.
If you do receive an email request for any information, know that this should go straight to your trash folder. On the whole, casinos with less than stellar reputations will quickly end up on a blacklist. One casino we can recommend though is Bet365 Casino. They are licensed in the UK, making them one of the safest and most secure online casinos in the world.
Check Your Statements Every Day
Please take note that ignorance is not bliss when it comes to online security. Thanks to huge advances in mobile technology, you can now pay for things with your credit card, by simply presenting your phone to a credit card reader. Though the convenience is off the scale, so are the new risks that come hand in hand with a new means of gambling data transfer. But along with this new technology, comes the ease by which you can access your own banking details via any portable device. If you’re playing at the best online casinos with jackpots, then we suggest that you make a habit of checking your daily records.
This will allow you the opportunity to spot anything untoward and notify your bank straight away. Take your time to read the statement properly. This is because fraudsters don’t empty your account in one go. They take out tiny amounts, that go unnoticed, and because they are doing this with literally thousands of different accounts, they make some serious bank this way without being detected.
Gambling Data: Use a Prepaid Card

As a tool for fighting the good fight against online fraud, prepaid cards are a great idea. Instead of risking your own credit card, with a limit of say, $10,000, you use a prepaid card that is loaded with only the amount needed for gambling on that day. Whatever you set as your daily gambling limit will be placed on the card, and not a single penny more. Not only does this help in controlling your overall gambling spending, but also limits the maximum amount of gambling data any hacker might have access to.
Having control over your budget is one of the most basic jackpot winning tips and tricks. You can get a prepaid card at the local convenience store for next to nothing.
Check the Card’s Policies
Many of today’s credit cards will carry some sort of insurance. It’s worthwhile checking the small print of your bank’s policies as to what might be covered should you wish to make an insurance claim. Because all the big credit card players will have you covered, it’s worthwhile asking any other card companies with cards that you are using for gambling, whether they too, allow for insurance cover against fraud.
Gambling Data: Choose a Reputable Licensed Casino
This is a no-brainer. Your chances of falling for fraud will certainly decrease hugely if you stick to tried and tested casinos. These are the type of casinos that have many years of experience dealing with online fraud. Not only that but if they are bigger players within the online casino space, then they will be licensed by a reputable licensing authority. In order to be issued with a license, all their security will of been tested by third parties to ensure that their system is totally secure and that your funds and details are protected at all times.
On the whole, the more reputable the license, then the stronger will be the level of online protection. And for that reason alone, we tend to recommend sites with a UK Gambling Commission license. And that’s why we play on Bet365 Casino. They have a UK Gambling license, which means that they are among the most reputable casinos to play at.