Devious Bookmakers – 5 Awful Secrets

Introduction: Secrets Bookmakers Keep From The Public
Every single day of every week, like clockwork, millions of dollars change hands in the sports betting industry. If you were to compare how much of this goes to the bookies and how much goes back to the average punter, then it’s no surprise to see that 99% of this money ends up in the pockets of bookmakers. Obviously, being a bookmaker is first and foremost a business and, as with all businesses, there will be running costs and overheads.
As a result, the business revolves solely around making a profit. Having said that, there are some sportsbooks which make an effort to look after their customers. These include 22Bet Sportsbook. They also offer new customers a great welcome bonus of 122% up to €100!
Keeping Punters In The Dark
Yet the discrepancy in the money distribution between bookmakers and punters is so great, that there must be an underlying reason apart from the need to create profit. After all, the punter wants to profit as well. In its simplest terms, it’s about how much information a bookmaker can hide from the punter. After all, it’s in the bookmaker’s interest to keep the sports betting market and its intricacies as opaque as possible. The last thing a sportsbook wants is for the public to understand how sports betting really functions. It’s the same story whether at the land-based sports bookmaker or the online Toto sites.
In fact, if they are dealing with a punter who knows his stuff, there’s a very good chance they will simply refuse to take his bets. This is why professional sports bettors have to pay other people to place their bets for them. The world of sportsbooks and sports bookmakers is pretty seedy, with the emphasis on hiding as much information as possible from the casual punter and then doing a lot of bait and switch tactics.
The Bookmaker Never Reveals The True Odds
As soon as the betting round has closed, then the sole purpose of the bookmaker is to turn a profit for himself no matter how. The simplest way to ensure a favourable outcome is to simply manipulate the probability. You’ll find that in almost every wager that’s made, the bookmaker will be continuously adjusting the odds. Imagine betting on the match where the home side and the away side each have the same probability of winning. This would make the betting 50/50 or 2 to 1. But the crafting bookmaker changes this to 1.9 to 1, thus increasing his profit for every single bet.
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The Vigorish
This is the “vig” or “vigorish”, a commission charged on every single wager that goes straight into the pocket of the bookmaker. The easy way to tell that there will always be a vigorish charge is if you add up all the percentages on the bets. You will find that the answer will come to more than 100-percent! For example, for the 2 to 1 odds we mentioned earlier because the bookmarker has changed it to 1.9 to 1, this increases the total odds for the two teams to 105.2 6%.
In real terms, this means that the bookmaker will profit $5.26 for every $100 of wagers placed in the betting marketplace. This extra amount is known as the “over-around.” Now, most average bookmakers will have an over-around profit margin of around 6%. As insurance against the possibility that a betting customer may win, then the greater the probable outcome, the more the over-round will grow.
Even Competing Bookmakers Can Share Your Data
Just like online casinos, sportsbooks are also a very competitive industry with bookmakers constantly looking out for new customers, willing to do whatever it takes to even steal customers away from competitors. But first and foremost, it’s an industry where the bookies will look after each other’s needs before those of the customer. When it comes to securing their place within the betting marketplace, they are only too happy to share information about different customers and their practices across different companies.
This means that if a sports gambler is doing his proper research and is able to make good money from his wagers, this information will be shared amongst all sportsbooks, to ensure that he is unable to place successful bets anywhere.
Acca Bets Are A Terrible Idea For The Punter
When it comes to sportsbooks running unreliable but lucrative promotions for themselves, then you’ll find most of these are based around accumulator bets. You’ll often see promotions with added bonuses of up to 50% on the winnings for Acca bets. The thing you have to keep your mind is that all Acca bets are a scam. For the uninitiated, Acca bets are a conditional series of bets, which will require the gambler to check a very large number of boxes and they are more often than not associated with a football jackpot.
An example might be backing six selections in a series of wagers. As such, if you managed to land all six in the correct order, then you have the potential to walk away with huge winnings. But we can’t let that happen, can we? So, there is the caveat, and it to a large one. If you lose just one of those six wagers, then the whole deal is off, and the complete bet is lost. To be frank, they are a total waste of time and money for the punter who’s mistaken in thinking this will increase his jackpot winning chances.
But a fantastic source of income for the bookmaker, who can’t believe that anyone who is not drunk or who has toys in the attic, would seriously make such a stupid wager. When you approach and ask any professional gambler at the racetrack whether they would make Acca bets, they will look at you as if you were a fool. Virtually all successful professional sports bets are made on single wagers. That’s because professional gamblers do not care for high-risk, high-reward gimmicks, as they are a surefire way of completely depleting your bankroll within a couple of races.
Bookmakers Track Your Data
Bookmakers put into place all sorts of intrusive systems in order to check punters. They claim to do so to find out whether, for example, you’re running multiple accounts. But because they have sophisticated anti-cheating systems in place, they can’t help themselves but use them for other purposes. One of these is selling your private information in the form of a digital footprint to advertisers. They will also use your existing cookies as a means of targeting ads to you.
Furthermore, they have been known to sell your data to various banks and credit organisations, in fact anywhere with a possibility they can make some extra money in the form of commission.
Bookmakers Do Not Want You To Win
The last type of person sports bookmakers wants to meet is the punter who has done his homework and research, giving him a slight advantage over the casual weekend gambler. In the latter case, the regular sports better who get caught up in the excitement of a match or the game is the perfect sucker. Bookmakers rely on poor decisions or decisions made on the fly, or in the heat of the moment, to make most of their huge profits. Always keep in mind that, no matter how friendly they seem, the bookmaker is not your friend.
Everything they say or do, which appears to be customer-centric, is in fact a lie designed to cover up the fact that they have only one purpose. Which is to screw you over! All bookmakers’ business models run on a predatory model that is designed to exploit the fact that fans are in love with certain sports. These enthusiasts are quite happy to give away a few hundred dollars every month to have the perceived possibility of winning some cash. If you are going to bet on sports, then we recommend a site like 22Bet Sportbook, who run their own Toto sportsbook.
The Bookmaker Is Not Your Friend
One point you should always keep in mind and is that the professional focused and thrifty sports gambler actually makes his money by using jackpot winning strategies to out-guessing the bookmakers’ odds not by following them. That’s because everything a bookmaker shows is designed to trick the average punter.
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