Crazy Odds Of Weird And Strange Things Happening To You

Crazy Odds About Weird Things
When it comes to making a list as to “what are the chances of an event happening” then many people will have the National Lottery jackpot as one of those chosen events. Unfortunately, your chance of winning this life-altering amount of cash is 1 in 45,057,474. So we think we can safely say that the crazy odds of that happening are pretty remote. Yet that doesn’t stop millions of people from buying a lottery ticket every week.
Even if the odds of winning the lottery are incredibly low, there are other crazy statistics out there that are even more astonishing. For example, the chances of winning an Oscar or being struck by lightning. So we thought that we would have a look into unusual and weird statistics of the odds of stranger things happening.
A Compilation of Crazy Odds
We have trawled many online sites including Wikipedia to find the statistics for this article. It should be pointed out that there is any number of external factors which can impact the real odds of an event happening. As our website deals with gambling and casino jackpot games, it’s no surprise that a good player can move the odds slightly in their own direction. Especially when playing such games as blackjack. If you choose an online casino like 22Bet Casino, then you’ll have great odds to win the jackpot online.
Likewise, the number of times one participates in a certain activity can be a factor in the possibility of some actions/events occurring due to higher possible incidence. For example, when people speak about shark attacks. You have a greater possibility of being eaten by a cold-blooded apex predator if you choose to go swimming off the Australian coast every day.
Weird Ways to Die – What Are the Crazy Odds?
There’s an old saying that says we were not remembered so much for what we did in our lives, but more so for the manner in which we died. In fact, exactly how we will die is a preoccupation of many people, especially as they get older. This article isn’t going to speak to the many ways the grim reaper mercilessly scythes down the general population. Whether through disease or old age. We’re more interested in the quirky and more curious ways in which people have met their demise. What’s fascinating about some of these is that the odds of some of them happening are greater than those of winning the National Lottery.
A Vending Machine is Deadlier than a Shark Attack
Vending machines are famous for selling unhealthy junk food. But we’re not interested in the long-term deaths from an excess of carbohydrates and sugar. The truth is that there have been a number of documented occasions when a vending machine toppled over. In so doing it crushed someone to death. The more usual circumstance is that an item refuses to budge after being paid for. Then in a moment of frustration, someone starts rocking the machine back and forth in an attempt to dislodge their purchase.
Now the chances of being killed by a vending machine falling on you in this manner are around 1 in 112 million. To compare this with another outrageous statistic, which is the chance of being killed/eaten by a shark. The chances of being a real-life actor/victim in your own version of Jaws is around 1 in 250 million. This means that you have almost double the chance of being crushed by a vending machine than of being eaten by a peckish Great White. To put this into perspective from a gambler’s point of view, you have a 1 in 5,000 chance of winning something on a regular jackpot slots machine.
The Crazy Odds Of Left-Handed People Using Right-Handed Products
Over the course of history, left-handed people have always had a hard time. In fact, there’s always been a longstanding bias against them. Historically left-handedness was the mark of the devil’s work. Many were burned at the stake in the middle ages. Up until relatively recently, many schools would force left-handed children to become right-handed. Today there are many perils that come from being left-handed.
First off, many mass-produced products are expressly made with right-handedness is the default setting. Whether it’s knives, garden machinery or scissors, they’re all designed for right-handed operation. And that’s probably why left-handed people have a 1 in 4.4 million chance of dying from using products that are designed for right at the people.
Brits More Likely to Die by Lightning Strike Than the Global Average
Apparently, the probability of receiving a lightning strike is around 300,000 to 1. Of these, they’re around 24 fatalities every year. Let’s have a look through the figures provided by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents. Here we can see that in the UK, an average of three people die a year because of lightning. This gives us the answer of dying by a lightning strike in the UK as being 66 times shorter than the global average.
Strangely, 80% of lightning strike victims are male. Nevertheless, if you are unfortunate enough to be struck by lightning, then don’t worry too much. You have a 90% chance of survival. Or 10 to 1 odds. If you were betting on sports, then those would be pretty good odds.
The Crazy Odds Of Drowning in the Bath
It’s surprising how many people managed to drown in the bath. Having said that, the vast majority of fatal accidents occur at home. In some ways, it’s not too surprising as the bath is a place where you go to relax alone. As part of the relaxation process, many people take alcohol into the bath. At the end of the day, more people will drown in their own bathtubs as opposed to the public swimming pools. Statistics show that the most at-risk groups are the elderly and very young children. But in truth, many deaths in the bath have been linked to either alcohol or drug use. You simply fall asleep and submerge.
Odds of Baby Born with Teeth
Virtually all babies should have their first teeth between 4 and 7 months old. But surprisingly there are some babies who are born with one or more teeth. These so-called “natal teeth” occur every 2,000 new births. Of the teeth a baby can be born with, there are several different types. These can include fully developed crowns along with the root structure and loose teeth without roots. Also, small teeth that are just visible through the gums. It’s thought that having natal teeth is an inherited factor. It often shows up with either a parent or a sibling.
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