
Introduction: Chuck-a-Luck
Going to the casino to play can be a bit hit or miss, as not so many casinos still offer the game. If you do find it, then you’ll also find that the rules are pretty simple to follow. The game is played in a small hour-glass shaped cage that sits on the table. Unlike craps, which uses two dice, this game utilizes three large dice.
If you would like to try chuck-a-luck you can find many similar games at the online jackpot sites.
The Cage
The metal cage stands at around 18 inches tall. The cage (often called “the birdcage”) is turned upside down so that the six-sided dice fall to the bottom. The base of each side is large enough to accommodate all three dice laying flat. Wagers are made before the spinning of the cage after which the winning numbers are tallied up and all the bets get paid out. So the actual betting layout is very simple indeed. Like we said, a very basic game.
The Five Types of Bets
There are essentially five different types of bets available at the Chuck-a-Luck table. Bets are made by placing chips (or cash if it’s acceptable) inside the boxed numbers which appear on the layout. Of course, this all depends on the belief the player has as to what number will show up as the total after the cage has been spun. The bigger numbers on the table layout correspond to the single numbers that can be made. These are the wager types:
Single Numbers Bet
Just like it says, you simply bet on the probable outcome of a single number (1 – 6) and you’ll be paid out even-money for each dice that shows the number you choose. If you happen to bet on the number “3” and one of the dice shows a “3”, then you get paid out at 1 to 1. Now if two dice come up with the same chosen number (in this case a “3”), then the payout is at 2 to 1. If you’re lucky enough to score all three dice the same as your chosen number, then the payout will be at 3 to 1. It should be pointed out that the house edge on a number bet in Chuck-a-Luck is 7.87%.
Chuck-a-Luck: Field Bet
This is a wager that the total score of all three dice will be between 3 and 7 or between 13 and 18. The bets pays off as even-money or 1 to 1 Now if the total of the three dice is between 8 and 12, then you have lost the bet. The house edge for the field bet is 15.74%.

High Bet (Over 10)
Just like the title says, a bet that the total of all three dice will be greater than 10. The bet pays out even-money at 1 to 1. Now, if the total for all three dice is less than 11, then you lose. Oh…you also will end up losing if the dice all show the same number ie three of a kind. The house edge on the High bet over 10, is 2.86%.
Low Bet (Under 11)
A bet on the low bet is that the total of all the dice will not exceed 11. This wager pays out at even-money 1 to 1. So, if the total of all the dice is greater than 10….you lose out. Just like the bet above, you’ll also lose out if the dice are three of the same. And, again, just like the wager above, the house edge for the low wager is 2.86%.
Chuck-a-Luck: Any Triple Bet
This is a bet for the brave among you. A wager that all three dice will fall the same. Any Triple pays out at 30 to 1. The house edge on this bet is 13.9%. With a house edge like this, then it’s no real surprise that you don’t find Chuck-a-Luck in that many casinos. There are plenty of other games offering a much better house edge. with more friendly odds.
In its days, this game was extremely popular. And the Any Triple wager actually has a smaller house edge than any Seven at a standard craps game. In craps there are any number of bets which could be classed as stingy. Of course, raising the pay-offs on the Chuck-a-Luck Any Triple to 31 to 1, or 32 to 1, would make the game a lot more appealing. But, hey, the casino needs to make it’s cut, so the chances of that happening are pretty low, even if you try to win the jackpot online.
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