Cats Protection Lottery – Gambling Whilst Helping Our Feline Friends

The Cats Protection Lottery
If you love cats as much as you love gambling then we have a dozy for you. After an initiative that started in 1927 under the name of the Cats Protection League, you are able to gamble for the benefit of your feline friends. The money collected through playing the Cats Protection Lottery will go towards cat welfare.
Having a lottery is just one of the many mechanisms that the Cat Protection League uses to raise funds. Many of the other fundraising techniques revolve around donations. Nevertheless, without the lottery, there is no way that this good cause could continue to function. Today we thought we would let all you cat lovers know about how you can gamble whilst at the same time providing for cat shelters. As well as educating the public about their responsibilities of keeping these animals.
What Is The Cats Protection Lottery?
A lottery is essentially a charitable event whose purpose is to fund the ongoing operations of the Cat Protection League. Today, so many organisations are struggling to grab a piece of the public charity pie. So it’s necessary for each charity organisation to find ways of incentivising people to give. Hence the idea of a lottery. The draw takes place on a weekly basis on a Friday. Depending on the number of participants who take part, up to 300 players may be able to win cash prizes. There’s a weekly jackpot of £1,000 that goes to the first prize winner. With £200 and £100 going to the second and third places respectively. The other 295 winners will receive a consolation prize of £5.
We should mention that there is also a “Super Draw” that has a much bigger jackpot. This lottery draw takes place every three months. And it’s possible for the winner to walk away with £25,000. If you head over to the Cats Protection League weekly lottery official website, you can find all the details there. They also have a countdown clock that allows you to see how much time you have left in order to opt-in. You’ll also find a simple description of all the hoops you need to jump through in order to participate in this lottery. Yes, we know it’s not exactly the same as the huge sums available when playing lottery games on theLotter, but that’s missing the point. It’s all about helping.
How Does This Lottery Work?
Now if you have any idea about how the lottery is dedicated to charity functions, then you’ll see that the Cat Protection Lottery functions in exactly the same way. In the beginning, you will need to complete an online form. Once this is submitted, then you would have technically signed up for the lottery. As a lottery player, you’re able to choose how many chances you wish to take part in order to win the lottery. If for example, you choose two chances to win, then you need to pay £8.68 at the point of registration. The maximum number of chances you have to win is 5 and that will cost you £21.70 a month. You can also choose how your payments can be used.
For example, one way is that the money will go towards helping both cats and kittens at risk. Another is helping support those already in an adoption centre. Once you subscribe to a monthly plan, then your account will automatically be debited every time a weekly draw is made.
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Playing Is Super Easy
This makes the playing out of the Cat Protection Lottery incredibly straightforward. There’s nothing to choose from each week. In fact, the whole process will take none of your time once you’ve subscribed. As an added bonus, if you do win anything, it will be automatically funded to your bank account. This way you don’t even have to keep an eye out in order to see the weekly winnings and claim your prize. Having said that, it’s always a good idea to check the terms and conditions of a lottery once in a while. Just in case they have changed.
By simply going to the homepage of the Cat Protection Lottery website, you’ll be able to see if you won the quarter lottery by simply entering your name and a ticket number. There’s also a telephone number to call with customer support. They will be only too happy to help you with any problems. These can be with your subscription, finding out about results or general information about the charity itself.
Who Plays The Cats Protection Lottery?
Once you’ve registered to the Cat Protection Lottery, then you’re already on your way to becoming a lottery winner. Keep in mind that this is not simply an exercise in gambling, but rather you are supporting a charity organisation. Of course, if you do win the jackpot online, the first prize of £25,000 is not the biggest win you could have had from any lotto jackpot. For that, we suggest that you visit theLotter, which has all the world’s largest lotteries listed, with prizes up to a staggering $132 million for Powerball.
But the main prize from the 3-month draw is still nothing to be sniffed at. Unlike some other lotteries, such as the Euro Jackpot Lottery, you’re not going to walk away as a millionaire. But that is not the point here. Essentially, by betting with this lottery, you are doing something nobler than just hoping to win for yourself.
According to the latest lottery news, the beneficiaries of your generosity are simply helpless stray cats. To that end, if you only want to try to become wealthy by playing lottery games, then the Cat Protection League lottery is not really for you. But, if on the other hand, you are a lover of cats and a supporter of animal rights, then there’s no harm in spending less than $10 a month towards a very good cause.
Is This Lottery Legit?
This is a very good question, especially considering that there are many fake lotteries on the internet. We suggest that you go to the homepage of the Cat Protection League. There you’ll see that they carry the FR logo which stands for “fundraising regulator.” This means that the charity is under the patronage of the government regulator of charitable fundraising. This covers all charity gambling events throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It’s also a proof of identity and concepts. Look at it as rather like a casino licence that gives you the confidence that you will actually receive a prize if you win it. And that your chances of doing so are genuine.
Scroll down to the bottom of their page and you’ll see that they also carry a banner. This is to help all gamblers and remind them to gamble responsibly. Without sounding condescending or heavy, we suggest that you have a look at this UK gambling protection website. This is to see what behaviours might lead to problem gambling. After perusing the Cat Protection League website, we can see that the lottery is conducted and certified by the relevant regulatory authorities. So, if at the end of the day, you’ll end up being a Cat Protection Lottery winner, then you’ll see real money go into your bank account almost instantly.
Anyways, playing this lottery is much more selfless than playing either online or offline casino games. Here you know that your money is going to a worthwhile cause as opposed to simply going into the coffers of already successful casino businesses. And in some ways, by helping helpless animals, you are better able to justify gambling. And this makes it the best lottery to play for a good feeling.
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