Casino Players The Table Dealers Hate

Casino Players The Dealers Hate
Most casino players are not bad customers. In fact of all the service jobs that you could be doing, working as a dealer or croupier with these customers in a casino is not such a bad choice. Yes, there are the shifts which can be a drag. But you’ll learn a skill and it’s very people-centric. Most of the customers are regular and normal people. They’ll want some tips and are happy to chat with you to pass the time. Also, on the whole, most understand that you’ll be needing a tip at the end of their playing session. But there are always some customers, who for one reason or another, are the very last people a dealer wants to have to interact with. Let’s hope you’re not one of there!
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Obnoxious Gamblers
Replace the word “gamblers” with “customer” and you have pretty much the person least likely to be on the Christmas card list of anyone working in customer service. A dealer knows that any jackpot games involving gambling with real money can become quite stressful. Sometimes the atmosphere around a game table can become charged with energy and emotion. Games are by their nature, competitive and exciting. There can be real and tangible emotional swings from the heady heights to the lowest doldrums.
But that’s no excuse to act like a complete dick head. Whether it’s being loud and obnoxious. Or getting in the face of other gamblers by commenting on their play and making a huge song and dance about any petty issue, dealers hate them with a passion. Dealers understand the excitement attached to a game. On the whole, they’ve seen it all before, many times over their careers. Of course, dealers are human too. They’re more likely to be happy if you’re doing well (also they have one eye on their tips) and they strive to maintain a pleasant environment at the game tables.
But it becomes a real challenge when casino players sit down and immediately start becoming the loudest person in the whole casino. Maybe you’ve met one of these clowns in your own casino visits. If he’s sat next to you, at least you have the option to get up and move somewhere else. But the dealer is stuck with him. Sometimes, the job must really suck.

Players Who Don’t Follow Casino Etiquette
Following on from the above player, are those who deliberately refuse to follow the rules. They know exactly what they are doing in trying to affect the concentration of those who sat around the table. But without basic casino etiquette, everything quickly goes south. If you’re a totally new player and you commit a couple of faux pas it’s really no big deal. Everyone’s gotta learn the best jackpot rules somehow. The dealers will be only too happy to point out the right path for you, and all in a friendly and absolutely non-condescending manner. They want you to stay and play at their table. They also want to help you with your casino education. That’s simply because, with this, everyone benefits.
Dealers are not baby sitters. You should really know your stuff before you sit down and start to inter-react with other players. As we said, no one minds a beginner. But there’s a limit to everything. And some players certainly know how to stretch it out. You have to keep in mind, that when the play slows, it means fewer hands and that will reflect negatively on the possible tips the dealer can make.
Handling Drunk Gamblers
Probably the most difficult type of casino players to deal with is the drunkard. It’s unfortunate, that for some customers, gambling and drinking have to go hand in hand. There is probably an argument that casinos should bear some of the responsibility for this situation, as they ply the players with free alcohol. The problem is that when a gambler gets drunk, then the decision-making faculties go out the window. They get sloppy with both gameplay and casino etiquette, leading to a complete break down of the most basic of common courtesies. No one likes sitting next to a loud and belligerent drunkard and it quickly leads to an emptying of the games table.
For the dealer, it creates tension. Of course, he wants everyone to have a great time, even if the drink is playing its part. But having to work whilst watching a customer gradually sink into drunkenness, whilst the dealer is trying his hardest to maintain some sense of decorum, is not a pretty sight. Worst still, if a drink gets spilled onto the games table, then it’ll be shut down for the night, awaiting a clean. None of this is going to be of benefit to the poor dealer. An additional problem comes when the drunk wants to be amicable to everyone. No one wants to engage with a drunk gambler who determined to be your best buddy. You might be surprised as to how drunk you can be, and yet the casino still lets you play.

Players Who Don’t Tip
You’d think that in this day and age, everyone would realize that service staff relies on tips. Surely this is common knowledge by now. Apparently not! You might be appalled at just how often casino players will have a big win, and not think to tip the dealer. It creates a kinda awkward tension around the table, as everyone knows the poor dealer is in the process of being stiffed. But, being the nice and forgiving customers that we are, we think that the player will give a nice fat tip at the end of the session. And then that sinking feeling when you see them clean up their chips and turn towards the exit without so much as a thank you to the dealer. This makes our blood boil.
Gamblers Who Smoke
You would imagine that it’s basic manners to ask others sat at the games table and the dealer who working there, whether you can smoke. It doesn’t matter whether it’s cigarettes, a cigar, or even a vape, common courtesy would dictate that you’d have some concern for your fellow gamblers. No one wants to breathe your second-hand smoke. Yes, we know, the dealer is used to having smoking customers, but it doesn’t do any harm to ask. Also, stop blowing smoke across the jackpot poker or blackjack table into the dealer’s face. Blow it somewhere else. Dealers know that smokers come with the territory, but a smoker who’s both thoughtful and kind can go a long way to making the evening more bearable.
Players Who Blame Everyone But Themselves
Maybe it’s just human nature, but there are always those gamblers who are looking to blame others for their misfortune or bad luck. And the first person in their sights tends to be the dealer. After all, isn’t he the one responsible for dealing with such rubbish cards? It never ceases to amaze us at the number of customers who’ll blow up at either the other players sat around the same table or the dealer in front of them. We’re all aware that when there are larger sums of cash on the table that emotions can run high. But to take your anger out on the dealer is plain retarded.
Dealers are happiest when casino players are winning. This not only creates a great table atmosphere but also means there’s a greater chance of receiving higher tips. But taking your frustration out on the dealer, leaves him feeling helpless, as he has absolutely no control over what cards he’s dealing or the casino house edge. Once again, no one likes to be sitting next to such a player at the games table. And it’s often that the poor dealer gets stuck with this type.

Watching Gambling Addicts Lose Money
All dealers will tell you that this is the hardest aspect of the job to deal with. Watching a gambling addict come into the casino on payday, and then blast through their whole paycheck in less than one session. If they’re regulars, then that’s even tougher. You’ll get to see their lives slowly spiraling out of control. Many gamblers, after a period of addiction, will finally seek out some help. But a vast majority of these will revert back to form and start gambling once again. This is probably the largest negative aspect of being a dealer. You have to see the very real human consequences of working at the casino.
Conclusion: Casino Players The Dealers Hate
You’ll find the vast majority of dealers love their jobs. They make good money and enjoy the ambiance of the casino, as well as the interaction with the customers. But it goes without saying that not all those customers are going to be the ideal type. There are bound to be some unruly and rude ones. Like all casino players, you should always be courteous and kind, as a matter of course. Remember that the dealer in front of you is a human being too. They make the casino such a great place to be. if you’re nice, they’re happy to share their jackpot winning tips and tricks. So….the next time you’re in a casino, don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with your dealer. Ask him for tips. And finally, please make sure that you leave a nice tip.
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