Casino Lucky Rituals for Winning

Introduction: Casino Lucky Rituals
Since the beginning of time, man has tried to curry favor with the Gods. Whether simple prayers or complicated sacrifices, they always insisted on a ritual to get God’s attention. Though some of us no longer do these things, you might be surprised as to how many little charms and rituals are still in use by those looking for luck in the casino. Because some of the cash prizes are just so massive, so life-altering, that it’s really no surprise. Apart from a life-boat drifting alone on the endless sea with but a single survivor, there is probably no other place than a casino, more filled with offerings and promises to some unknown deity in exchange for an act of good fortune.
Pre-Gambling Rituals
Where to start with this madness. Many players find themselves checking the horoscope before heading out the door. Whether they actually act on any of these is impossible to say, as one can always find a horoscope to suit your purpose for that day by reading another publication. Also, why not check your bio-rhythms whilst you at it. Not quite sure what’s the thinking behind trying to interpret science through the eyes of a wizard or a witch.
Casino Lucky Rituals: Lucky Items
Then we have those players who believe that a certain piece of clothing or jewelry will bring them good luck. These are the same “lucky” clothes they always wear when they’re gambling. The thing is, if you’re nuts, then anything, any object can become almost fetishistic towards your goals. “Several times when we went on gambling trips, we had a ranch-style casserole the night before and we won pretty big,” one casino goer recalls. “So, now my husband insists that on the night before every trip we have to have this dish.” Yes, you read that right, a lucky casserole!
Fountain Wishes
Whether you’re standing at the base of the Fontana di Trevi in Rome or passing the Koi pond in the mall, some people feel the need to throw coinage into the water. On a base level, this is all fine and dandy, as rewarding the gods for Aqua vitae makes sense. But at the casino? Many casinos in Las Vegas have a small pond either nearby or inside the building. Each year the house nets thousands of dollars from these bodies of water. And all from passing gamblers, normally on their way to the casino, asking the gods for a helping hand.
Prayers and Incantations
As we’re talking about asking the gods for a favor, then why not go the more direct route and simply pray. Unfortunately, casino tables don’t have prayer mats under them or bibles on them that you can simply pull out and start begging your particular god for a lucky break. But you’ll often see players fingering their rosary beads, small crucifixes or crosses in the one hand, as they use the other to spin a wheel or push a button. Some do actually pray out loud. Depending on your god, your mileage may vary.

Casino Lucky Rituals: Lucky Talisman
This one applies to hunters, fishermen, and gambles to an equal degree. They all like to carry a lucky charm. Some small objects that they have, through mental gymnastics, become to associate with a positive result. Some players have the object in question on the table in front of them as they play. Yet others clutch onto them tightly in their pockets. Some poker players believe that they can use a lucky charm as a “card protector” in that it will hide their true purpose from another player.
Boomer Wishniks
Unless you’re a boomer, this might stump you. What on earth are Wishniks? Back in the 1960’s Wishniks were a very popular little doll, with the face of a troll, and a mad mop of neon brightly colored hair, that you could find in vending machines everywhere. They were supposed to bring good fortune, hence the name. For some reason, they are still very popular with the blue-rinse bingo brigade, with bingo halls full of neon-colored hair from both the old players and their dolls. In the casino, you’ll see them everywhere, well, everywhere there are boomers.
Teddy Bears and Other Stuffed Animals
You might be surprised at the things people bring into the casino. In one famous venue in Las Vegas, a client would sit for hours at the slots machines with a huge (like the size of a four-year-old child) teddy bear perched on his lap. The bear would be facing the machine and the man would chat with it between spins. OK…we shouldn’t make fun of the mentally ill, but he would hold the bear’s paw and together they would push the buttons. No one knows if they ever won anything.
Manipulating the Machine
Most sane and normal people know that the machines in the casino just do their machine thing. You cannot influence the outcome of the spinning roulette wheel or the face of the dice being thrown during a game of craps. And yet, there are those that try all sorts of approaches to influence the results of a machine. A surprising number of players get kinda, intimate and funky with the machine they’re playing. They will talk to it, fondle it and caress and kiss it (with a tongue!).
Casino Lucky Rituals: Slot Card Swappers
These are the players who feel that the machine somehow treats different players to different results. This is most commonly seen at the slots machines. Players will remove and then re-insert their slots cards as they play. The thinking (OK, let’s be real here, there is NO thinking involved) is that the slots machine will somehow “think” a new player has just started playing. Other players do more or less the same thing by frequently cashing out and then re-inserting the new bills. They all believe that the slots machine somehow is sentient and self-aware.
Button Choices and Order
Some people like to play certain buttons in a sequence, and use this same sequence for each and every machine. Also, they will not play a row of machines in the order they are standing. Maybe the player will miss out every third slots machine or play them in reverse order. One slots player said that her techniques were to “mix it up”. If she won a hand, then she would always push the re-deal button. But if she lost, then she would hit the singe play button five times. Yet another player, would tap on the right-hand side of the machine three times before every deal. Yeah, I know, that’s probably someone’s parent. All hope is lost.
Make Your Own Luck
Looking to the supernatural or to the gods is part and parcel of being in a stressful situation. So it’s not surprising to find gamblers are some of the most vocal proponents of props and symbols that might bring some force majeure into play. Does it matter? No, not at all. Pray to whatever entity might do it for you….just keep your voice down as others are trying to summon their own deities.
If you would like to learn more ways to try your luck check out the best jackpot slot machines.