Casino Dress Code

Movies have a habit of shaping our world view, and many times in an incorrect manner. Dressing up at the casino is just one of these false images. We’ve all seen the Bond movie. The one where the casino dress code requires everyone to be decked out in a penguin suit for the guys and formal, plunging neckline dresses for the gals. If you go into any casino dressed like that, you’d certainly stand out from the rest of the crowd.
Everyday Clothing Is Usually Acceptable
If you still think that you need to follow some sort of casino dress code as if on a visit to Buckingham Palace, then a quick check of any casino’s web site will bring you back to reality. Though if you’re gaming online, then we’re sure that your birthday suit would suffice. If one were to go back 50 years or so, then the fashion was to dress up whenever you went out. Gentlemen always wore a hat and the ladies looked stylish. But today, those sentiments have passed, and the normal rule is to dress to be comfortable. As long as your clothes are clean and well presented, then no casino is going to turn away your business.
You won’t need the fancy clothes to gamble with King Billy
One point to note that if you are going to hire a tuxedo, do remember to pay attention to the fact that many have no pockets. This means that you’ll have to carry a man purse or satchel and remember to always keep it in view. And talking of valuables, we don’t recommend “marking” your slots machine when you go off to the loo or to get a drink. Leaving your purse on the stool in front of the machine, or hanging your coat/accessories on it, is just asking for trouble. Keep in mind, that it’s written up in big letters in the entrance that the casino is not responsible for lost or stolen items (which is kind of weird if you think about all the security the casino employs).
Casino Dress Code: Wear Layers If You Can
Virtually all casinos like to blast their air conditioning. So, in the same manner, that some people will bring a light jacket or a sweater into the movies, we suggest that for your casino dress code you bring something to keep you warm. The outside temperature is of no importance to the player whose going to be inside the casino for any number of hours. You’re going to be sitting around, with very little movement required. So you’re going to feel the lower temperature pretty quickly. As we mentioned previously, take along something with pockets. So a cardigan or a pullover sweater is not a good idea. Believe us when we say, at some point during your stay at the casino, you’re going to want to put something in a pocket!

Wear Comfortable Durable Shoes
Dress shoes belong at weddings, dinners, or maybe a hot date. But they’re just not that comfortable when compared with modern casual sports shoes. First off no one at the casino is going to be inspecting your shoes. It’s not like waiting in line to get into the Berghain. Where every aspect of your attire will come under scrutiny. On the whole, the casino just doesn’t care. They want everyone to come in who has some cash. That’s all. They want you to stay for a long time. That’s why comfort is more important than style. You’re going to probably be spending hours on the gaming floor. The last thing both you and the casino want is that you have aching feet.
It’s funny, but we always like to imagine that casinos should provide comfortable footwear. In the same way that bowling allies provide shoes fit for the purpose. There’s going to be some walking, from traversing the parking lot to stepping over wet patches on the bathroom floor.
Casino Dress Code: Wear Clothes That Are Easy to Clean
The bottom line is that, as a serious player, you’re going to be putting in some long hours at the casino games table. And whilst you there, anything can happen which might involve you getting your clothes messed up. Drinks get spilled. Food gets dropped. Worse still if you’re not a smoker, then you’re gonna stink of smoke after a while. Even if you’re in a smoke-free environment, you’ll certainly know when someone sits down next to you who’s just finished a cigar in the smoking area. Then there are those awful plebeian perfumes that linger far too long, leaving the room and you smelling like a tart’s gusset. Anyway, just have things that you can clean on the spot, as opposed to going to the dry cleaners.
Take a Change of Clothes With You

Sitting in a casino all day or all night (or both!) is going to leave you feeling grubby. Whether your winning at jackpot poker or losing with the best jackpot slot machines, it doesn’t matter. With the static lifestyle that casinos encourage, you’re going to want to freshen up after that mega marathon session. That’s why we always suggest having a change of clothes at hand. Whether you’re driven 300 miles to the casino, or traveled through a snowstorm, having a back up of fresh and neat clothes is going to make you feel better. Of course, if you’re staying at the casino’s own hotel, then changing your clothes is a sizzle. But the further you are away from home, then the better to be presentable when you enter the casino. As with all things in life, including gambling, you just never know when the need might arise.
So, as your mother said, best be prepared. Those extra clothes that you have in the car may come in use at any time. And it’s nice to have the option of a change. Sometimes a simple matter of changing your clothes can actually lift your mood and instill a greater sense of confidence.
Conclusion: Casino Dress Code
Don’t over-dress going to the casino. You’ll stand out like a sore thumb. And it’s slightly awkward when you see just how little effort everyone else has made. Tee shirts and training shoes seem to be perfectly acceptable. Though we never have seen flip flops, never say never as we are sure that right now there’s a casino with a very very relaxed dress code somewhere out there. In a way, the changing face of casino culture, going from the wealthy aristocrats to the working poor, is reflected in the changing dress code. On the other hand, a lot will depend on just what type of casino player you are.
One thing to keep in mind is that casinos can get pretty chilly at times. To that end, we recommend bringing an extra something to keep you warm. And try to wear something with pockets. It may sound petty, but having somewhere to place those valuables or whatever, then frees up both hands for gameplay. As well as stopping your constant worry about where to put stuff and keep an eye on it.
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