Card Games You’ve Probably Never Played or Heard Of

Card Games You’ve Probably Never Played
Most online casinos along with their land base brethren will offer a similar selection of card games. This is all well and good if blackjack or jackpot poker is your thing. But every once in a while it’s nice to have a change. Either to learn a new card game or to play something which is new and exciting. And though a classic deck of cards can be used for many of our familiar games, there are also some games that are not often seen. But they can still use the same deck. We previously looked at some weird gambling games from around the world. So today we thought we’d see how many of the card games below you’ve heard of before. We’ve included a guide on how to play to help increase your jackpot winning chances.
Rare Card Games: Guillotine
As you can probably guess from the name of the game it’s a French card game that revolves around the 1789 French Revolution. It’s a very easy game to play and will involve lots of laughing and a great time for between 2 to 5 players. Thanks to its simplicity, anyone over the age of 12 will enjoy themselves. On the whole, most games last around 30 minutes. All you need is the Guillotine card playing set which contains 100 cards, and also comes with a set of mini cardboard guillotines.
The Gameplay
With a game named “Guillotine” then it’s no surprise that the aim of the game is to win by “getting a head.” The game consists of three rounds which are equivalent to 3 days in historical time. It begins with 12 members of the aristocracy forming a line for execution. Each individual is worth a different number of points ranging from 1 to 5. Essentially, every time it’s your turn to play a card, you can potentially have a nobleman guillotined in front of the line before you draw another action card. This latter card will determine which members of the aristocracy will move up or down the queue. The winning player is the one with the most points at the end of the game. We suggest that you avoid killing the “Hero of the People.”
Rare Card Games: One Night Ultimate Werewolf
This is a fast-paced card game that’s based around a supernatural theme. After playing some games, you’ll see that no two games are the same. Once again, this is a very easy game that moves very quickly and is designed for between 3 and 10 players. The game is perfectly suitable for all family members from 8 years and upwards and can be completed easily within 10 minutes. In order to play, you will need the One Night Ultimate Werewolf card set, which can be found on the internet. There’s also an iOS or Android app available which can help to make the gameplay even more immersive.
The Gameplay
Each individual player will receive a secret card which gives them a unique set of special abilities. For example, you could be the village mason or a baker or the owner of the local pub. Along with an occupation, your character will fall under one of two basic class titles. One of being a villager and the other of being a werewolf. By using the downloaded app, you can go through the night phase which is where the werewolves emerge and attack without warning. Essentially, the idea behind the game is to discover who the werewolves are. If you guess correctly then you will emerge as the winner. If you want a change of pace, but also want to emerge the winner, then head over to King Billy Casino. Not only do they offer great games, but also a great welcome bonus to help stretch your bankroll even further.
Rare Card Games: Beggar My Neighbor
This is both an easy game that is also great fun. It uses the standard classic deck of cards. It’s a game for between 2 and 3 players and is of the “shedding” variety of games. Once again, it’s a family game and anyone over the age of 6 years old can play. This game is super fast and will be over within around 15 minutes. As for equipment, you just need a standard deck of 52 playing cards.
The Gameplay
The game begins with the dealer dealing out all the cards face down and equally between the players. They then pick up their cards without looking at them. Now the player on the dealer’s left needs to put the first card in the middle of the table with it facing up. And then, going around the players, each will do the same whilst moving clockwise until someone presents a penalty card. This can be either an Ace or the Joker. At this point, the player will get a penalty from whoever is next in line to play.
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The most dangerous penalty card is the Ace. Producing this will get you a penalty of 4 cards from the next player. The King will get you 3, the Queen 2 and finally, the Jack, 1. Every time you receive a penalty, it’s then an addition to the top of your pile of cards. And the person who gets the penalties will have to pick up all the cards on the table. The game continues in this manner until the winner gets rid of all of their cards. OK, we admit it’s not quite the same as when you win the jackpot online. For that we recommend you head over to King Billy Casino. They offer a massive selection of online casino games, with many having their own live dealers.
Rare Card Games: Rolling Stone
This is another classic “shedding” game for between 4 and 6 players. As with the other games on this list, it’s very easy to learn and play, though in truth, incredibly frustrating. It’s the type of game that can turn around in an instant. As with the other games, this is perfectly suitable for the whole family, including kids from the age of 6 and upwards. It takes around 30 minutes to complete and you’ll need a standard deck of playing cards. Before you start you need to remove the 2’s, the 3’s, the 4’s, 5’s and 6’s from the pack if there are 4 players. If the game is with 5 players, then you’ll need to remove the 2’s, 3’s and 4’s. And finally, with 6 players, you just remove the 2’s.
The Gameplay
The game starts with the deck being cut and each player draws a card. The player with the highest card, and in this game the Aces are high, will become the dealer. The cards are then dealt clockwise, face down and equally amongst the group. This means that each player will receive a total of 8 cards.
The players can then pick up the cards and sort through them by suit. Whoever is sitting on the dealers left will start by placing one of the cards face up in the centre of the table. The next player along must play a similarly suited card, and this will go on until it reaches a player who is all able to play. This player will then need to pick up the accumulated pile in the middle of the table and add it to their hand. The gameplay will then restart by placing a new card in the centre. The game will continue until the winner is determined by who is the first to use up all their cards. And that’s how to win the jackpot playing Rolling Stone.
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