Blacklisted Online Gambling Sites

Introduction: Blacklisted Online Gambling Sites
So we thought we should put together an article that’ll help you sought the wheat from the chaff. This will give you a stronger starting point in your quest for the best and safest online gambling experience. Here’s a list of the factors you should be aware of and should probably do some more research on before signing up and depositing your money. A great option if you take a look at the best jackpot reviews.
Slow Payment
Though gambling is great fun, nothing can touch the excitement of winning. And it’s only natural that we want our spoils as quickly as possible. Years ago, online casinos would take weeks to cash out, whereas today’s sites should let you have your winnings in hours. But that only works well if you’re playing on a reputable site. It’s super annoying if receiving your funds takes forever or if you have to jump through lots of unreasonable hoops in order to get it. And they always come up with the same lame excuses. Trust us, we’ve heard them all. But the real problem with a site that’s slow to pay out winnings, is that is surely a sign of deeper problems. They can be understaffed or have serious cash flow problems.
Sometimes, they have implemented a bad payment system, or not updated the old one. But whatever the cause of a late payout, it sure can be annoying. On the other hand, if they have problems with their online processor or have mixed the players money with their own operating funds, that moves from annoying territory into that of questionable legality. That would be a red flag and point to the possibility that they’re running a shady operation.
Blacklisted Online Gambling Sites: Non Payment
Here’s the evil stepmother of the above. Sometimes, a slow payout moves into the realms of nonpayment. Once a certain time limit is passed then it becomes a nonpayment issue. There are some sites that will suddenly present you will some bullshit rule that means you’re unable to collect your winnings. They might point to a particular item in the terms of service or even claim that you violated certain rules.
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False Advertisement
It’s all part and parcel of a shady gambling web site to use false advertising. They need a means of luring in all those punters. This could take the form of fake bonuses, higher payout limits, in fact, anything that’s going to be enticing to the new player. Often on the landing page, there’ll be a spectacular offer in the form of a welcome bonus. A very, very generous one. And yet, after you have signed up and deposited your funds into their online account….the sound of crickets and tumbleweed!

Blacklisted Online Gambling Sites: Unfair Terms
Many less than honest sites will try and hide all the dark details within the terms and conditions. These are things that might not be so favorable to the player. A common one is that, when you come to cash out, you can’t. And that’s because you haven’t fulfilled some bullshit condition hidden within the T&C’s and written in a frankly unintelligible language. Now we’re all for reading the T&C’s before actually joining a site. But the web site should always have the customer’s best interest at heart. If you see anything to the contrary, then it’s not the site for you.
Changing Terms
it’s normal that as a web site grows, then they’ll make updates and minor adjustments to their terms. New challenges in new markets require a constantly changing set of rules. That we can happily accept. But these changes should be a continuation of their normal policies. A form of updates, if you will. But any company that is constantly making big changes, is one to steer well clear of. Simply because these changes are most probably not in the interest of the customer.
Blacklisted Online Gambling Sites: Game Legitimacy
This is about the question of “fairness” in regards to the games themselves. You want to know if they pay out correctly. But the real question is; if the site claims to be solid, how can you possibly know if this is true? Can’t the site in question simply produce their own figures? Well, in truth they can. But what we’re looking for are sites that have been audited by third-party authorities. And this brings us onto the subject of casino licenses. not surprisingly, you want to see some proof that they have all their ducks in order. And this is where a proper and authentic gambling license comes into play. It should be issued by a competent authority and represents your guarantee that the company is legit.
When you first sign up to an online casino, you’ll need to give them your real personal and banking details. So imagine what a bummer it would be if they then used that information to spam you with crap. Some casinos will try and increase their profit margin by selling on your personal and financial data to third party companies. You have every right to expect that all your shared information is absolutely safe.
Blacklisted Online Gambling Sites: Security Concerns
Following on from the above, you really don’t want to later discover that your banking details have been shared with a bunch of hackers. In the same manner that you expect your bank to store your personal and banking information safely and securely, then you should expect no different from an online casino. Now, in the real world, you wouldn’t just give out your banking or financial information to everybody, and so it follows with an online casino. because they are constantly handling large sums of cash along with thousands of personal details from customers, they need to be safer than safe. So check out the site’s approach to cyber security.
History of Complaints
Today we live in a “thumbs up” society, where many aspects of service are quantified by user recommendations. have a look through past feedback. One or two complaints mean little, But if you see many, and in particular they are about a continuing issue which the company appears either unable or reluctant to fix, then take your business elsewhere. Word of mouth and postings on social media can tell you a lot about a company and it’s employees. Have a good look at these aspects before diving in and placing a deposit.
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