Types of People You’ll Meet Playing at the Blackjack Table

Introduction: People You’ll Meet Playing Blackjack
Sit yourself down at any new blackjack table, and each time you’ll be sitting down with a completely different crowd of players. In fact, the sheer variety of gambling types is what contributes to a great gaming experience. Each person brings something new to the table and the overall vibe can change as instantly as just having a new player come sit at your elbow. It probably helps that blackjack is one of the easiest games to play of all casino jackpot games. There’s it’s simplicity, good odds, and the fact that it allows players to express themselves, and by default, their personalities during game-play.
Of course, most of your casino blackjack players are just like us, folks looking to escape from the real world by entering into the casino, but for a few moments of being able to touch the dream of winning big and turning our ordinary lives around. But there will always be those players who are more memorable. Those who’ll stick in your mind after the game is over. Let’s stereotype some of them…
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At The Blackjack Table: The First-Timer
We’re sure that you too can remember the very first time you approached the blackjack table. Hell, we bet you were nervous. We certainly were. The typical first-timer is a guy in his early twenties, who has no idea what he’s doing. More often than not, they feel that playing a few hands on a mobile app should show then how to win the jackpot at the real, bricks, and mortar casino. Sorry to break it to you, buddy, it’s not! If it’s blackjack, then they’ll have an impossibly small bankroll and will bow out ungracefully after just a few hands.
Having said that, we have come across beginners who’ve had some really good luck. Sometimes, it’s the turn of the cards and sometimes this hot streak only comes to an end when they overextend themselves by getting cocky and not reading the odds properly. On the whole, first-time gamblers will go through their bankroll at an alarming rate, leading to many trips to the casino’s ATM.
The Perfect Strategy Player
Your average blackjack player is still probably going to be making some mistakes over the course of a number of hands. Sometimes it’s simple things that are missed and other times, the cause is tiredness or lack of concentration. Yes, mistakes happen and even the best of us are going to be making some. But not the perfect strategy player. No sir! This is the guy who takes his blackjack very seriously indeed. He studies blackjack game-play night and day and is on a constant quest to minimize the house edge as much as he can.
Early on in his blackjack career, he’ll be the only player at the table who will whip out a “cheat sheet” of jackpot winning tips and tricks to ensure he’s playing an optimal game. Of course, once they have this table committed to memory, they’re the first to loudly scoff at anyone who has the gall to do the same and produce such a table during a game. He’s a bit of a smart Alec, in that if any other player deviates from the book, he’s the first to point it out. Finally, you can recognize him as the only player to sit at the table for 10 hours without a toilet break. Oh…he’ll still be nursing the same cup of cold coffee.
When they do finally get up from the games table, you’ll notice that their stack of chips hasn’t really moved one way or another….it’s the same as when they started to play all those hours ago. They will consider this to be a win!
At The Blackjack Table: The Flat Bettor
Just like the perfect strategy player, the flat bettor is fixed on being consistent. Yes, they might be a little bit more liberal in their gaming approach, but you’ll never see them bet more than the table minimum. It doesn’t matter how many hands they’ve won, they will never bet more than that $5 chip they keep sliding across the blackjack table. That’s because, for one reason or another, flat betting is all they know. If another player loses any amount larger than the minimum bet, the flat bettor will tut tut and roll his eyes knowingly. They never actually say anything. But if you bets are going up and down, then you’ll feel their judgmental eyes burning through the back of your head.

You’ll notice that the height of their stack of chips doesn’t change much during the course of the evening. But that doesn’t bother him. The important factor here is that he’s kept his potential losses to a minimum. Oh…and scored some free drinks.
The Gambling Movie Fan
We kinda have a soft spot for this guy. Depending on your point of view, he’s either endearing or a total pain in the ass. He’s the guy who’s just finished watching his favorite gambling movie for the umpteenth time. It could be “The Hangover”, “Rounders” or “21”, but he’ll sit at the games table and start quoting from the script. Another point is that they assume that by watching a movie, they have become experts in real-life games. Watching their favorite character play the role of a card sharp is all you need to become a skilled player.
When they first take a seat at the blackjack table, you can see a glint in their eye. They appear to be ecstatic at the idea of fulfilling a movie role. Of course, blackjack does require some basic skills. And these early twenties youngsters are full of beans at the start. But as the game progresses, it gradually dawns on them that they are woefully lacking in even the most basic of knowledge, let alone, skills. After they’ve been playing for n hour or so, and constantly losing, you’ll see a perplexing look spread across their faces.
These types of gamblers are totally harmless. In the end, you can’t but feel sorry for them. They came to the casino riding high on the movie exploits of their favorite blackjack playing character. And now look, all the chips are gone and all their dreams have been crushed. We guess that when they finally get home, the first thing they’ll do is throw the favorite DVD movie into the fireplace.
At The Blackjack Table: The Belligerent Drunk

This guy is the pits. All the previously mentioned gamblers are happy to get on with the game at hand. But not this guy. The problem is one of the total lack of casino etiquette. Also one of being past the stage at which any normal human can operate and make a proper decision. On the whole, they already show up at the casino a bit tipsy. Either from downing the contents of the hotel room fridge or coming directly from the bar across the road. Now, even we’ll admit that at the beginning, these guys can be very funny. They can add a much-needed lift to the proceedings.
But generally, as the losses start to pile up thanks to bad decisions, then the stress levels rise accordingly. Eventually, we come to the stage whereby everyone else is to blame as they’re not too drunk to realize that they are the source of their own misfortune at the blackjack table. In most scenarios, they’ll single out the dealer as being the problem for dealing with bad cards. If the dealer maintains his cool and doesn’t rise to the bait, then there’s a good chance that the gambler will actually try and pick a physical confrontation. By now, they have managed to ruin everyone’s day.
The Loud Mouth
In the casino, you tend to find the loudest players standing around playing craps. This game encourages rowdy behavior as a means of attracting other new players. Sometimes these players get bored and so wonder over to the blackjack table. Now, it’s not their fault as such, but they want to be having a great time, all the time and they also want everyone else to be joining in. It’s not so much about winning or losing. Just about having a good time.
As you can imagine, this type of behavior doesn’t translate too well at the blackjack table. They will start offering all sorts of advice, and then some, to all and sundry. And if a player does well, then it’s the yeller who’s jumping up and down like an excited child. They insist on high-fiving everyone who makes even the smallest win. Yes, we know that they are a handful. But the real takeaway is that they just want the best for you. Their intentions are perfectly good. But, damn, can they be annoying! Normally, after just a few rounds, they pack up their chips and head back over to the craps game. To the visible relief of all those blackjack players.
At The Blackjack Table: Mr. Moneybags

With this last type of gambler, we’re not sure where we stand. Mr. Moneybags comes and sits at the games table and immediately drops a fat stack of bills and chips. He will start the betting higher than all the other table bets combined. For some reason, we all feel envious. As you watch him play, it’s not even clear that he wants to win. He doesn’t appear to have any jackpot winning strategies. We can’t quite work it out. But he will bet and bet until it’s all lost. And then happily head off somewhere, only to return 20 minutes later with even more cash.
It’s patently obvious that he can afford to lose any number of big hands. And for some reason us mere mortals can’t hope to understand, these losses don’t appear to affect his mood in any way. In some ways, it’s great to have a high roller at the table, but it can certainly lead to other players feeling anxious.
Conclusion: People You’ll Meet Playing At The Blackjack Table
We think that playing real money blackjack is the best way to spend your time in the casino. And you can add even more entertainment into the mix with the number of characters you’ll be meeting and playing with on any given day. Unlike the slot machine, which is really a solitary game, playing blackjack puts you smack bang into the center of a community. Your personality is going to shine through whether you want it to or not.
We’re made up of a list which consists of stereotypes. But in reality, most people will have some qualities from each of our characters. Most are harmless and are a pleasure to play with. But some, like the drunk, have the capacity to turn a good day into something else. Before you take a seat at the blackjack games table, we suggest that you check out the competition. It could save your day.
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