Big Losses At The Casino – 5 Ways To Cope

How to Cope With a Big Losses or a Losing Streak
Let’s start by being completely realistic. When you play at casinos to win the jackpot, whether online or off, sooner rather than later, you’re going to have to deal with big losses. The whole casino industry is dependent on you losing more than winning. That’s how they stay in business and rake in huge annual profits. It’s the first and most important realization that every gambler must accept when they begin their gambling journey. Learning how to accept your big losses, with good grace, dignity, and fortitude will make the whole experience of gambling with money much better.
This is not to bring a huge downer to the party. It’s simply being mature enough to acknowledge one of the basic facts about gambling, that many people are timid to speak about. In our western societies, the pressure is to be a winner. But if you choose to involve yourself in an activity where the percentages of winners are very, very small in comparison to the number of losers, then it’s best we speak plainly.
Have a losing streak is pretty unpleasant. Watching you burn good money after bad can leave you feeling that the gods are against you. Having to deal with the fallout is nothing but a financial hangover. But it’s these very ups and downs at the gaming table that will give a gambler a stronger backbone, and turn him into a more capable and stoic gambler. It’s all about being mature enough to take full responsibility for your own actions, along with those big losses. Online casinos like 22Bet Casino, are a great place to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back into the game.
Big Losses: Take Responsibility
Though it might well be human nature to look for the cause of those big losses elsewhere, and then apportion the blame onto others or the fates, that’s not a great path for an adult to be taking. Of course, to shift the blame onto someone or something means we can alleviate that much of the blame away from ourselves. But when it comes to gambling, this approach just will not wash. And that’s because it was you, and you alone who was playing. In other words, you got yourself into this mess.
It doesn’t matter if the player at your elbow had a stronger hand or Lady Luck gave the dice a nudge as they flew down the craps table. Sorry, but the ultimate responsibility lies at your feet. So, when you’re losing, especially suffering big losses, the first thing to do is to recognize that you must take 100% of the responsibility for it.
Avoid Self-Pity with Big Losses
This is an emotional response that would drive any parent up the wall if their kids were to respond to a negative situation by wallowing in self-pity. Look, no one is expecting you to have a big smile on your face as you leave the jackpot games table with your bankroll all used up and with nothing to show for your time and effort. But there’s a huge difference between feeling sorry for yourself and being totally gutted. Being gutted is fine in our books. But feeling sorry for yourself is painting yourself as a victim. And there are no victims here.
You willingly entered into the game. Wallowing in self-pity is massively counter-productive and nothing good can ever come from it. You might pity yourself, but from an outsider’s perspective, you are certainly not deserving of pity in any shape or form.
Consider What Went Wrong
Once you’ve recovered from the shock of those big losses, the most practical thing to do is to begin an analysis of what and where you went wrong. Assuming it’s a game that requires at least some strategy, then there will be a point where you might have deviated from the correct play, or played less than perfect jackpot winning strategies, or taken a wild chance. This form of “self-debriefing” is the most important factor in being able to discover and rectify mistakes for future gaming sessions. On the one hand, you’ll learn that there are no certainties in the world of gambling.
And on the other, you’ll think over your betting strategies, as that’s the number one reason we got to the point of having big losses and zero bankroll left. There’s always a reason for failure. Your job is to identify it, learn from it, and then move on. In this manner, you could see all your big losses as a lesson.
Big Losses: Hold Off as Long as Necessary
As a kid, when you fall from the saddle, the thinking is to get right back up there as quickly as possible. This may well work with kids and horse riding, but it’s not the way we would recommend dealing with big losses at the casino. Before you sit down to gamble again, it’s important that you are completely over your last loss. You need to be 100% sure as to what went wrong and also how you plan to rectify a similar situation, should it arise again.
If the mistake caused you to go over budget, then we suggest that you stop all your gambling activities until you feel in control of your actions at the gaming table. Jumping straight back into the fray after suffering big losses will only result in a very bad situation. Be patient, relax, and learn. Then you can slowly make your way back into the game. When you do, head over to 22Bet Casino. They have a huge number of games and you can start with very small minimum bets until you’re feeling confident again.
Don’t Chase Your Big Losses
Chasing big losses is fatal. It’ll be fatal for you, personally, and be fatal for your bankroll. It’s one of the main reasons why we suggest that you refrain from jumping back into a game after considerable losses. You’ll feel the pressure to make back what you’ve lost. And in doing so, you’ll start to chase those big losses. It’s a basic part of human nature that we will sometimes fix on a single factor, in particular regard to financial losses. So if in the last game you lost $1,000, when you play again, you’ll have this number burned into the front of your brain as the figure you have to win back.
In other words, you want to make up for past mistakes. The problem with this form of thinking is that it leads to risky actions which will only help you dig that hole even deeper. The thing you need to do is to reset the whole game going on in your head, back to zero. This will help you proceed with greater caution when you re-start gambling. Your job is to minimize further losses. So try hard to push those previous losses out of your mind. Chasing them will be setting yourself up for much worse. And it certainly will not increase your jackpot winning chances.
It becomes some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy, draining your bankroll and all the while playing a wicked little tune in your head about what went before. If you feel even the tiniest cravings to win back that specific figure you previously lost, then we suggest you either go home and call it a day or go for a long walk before proceeding to the games room once again.