The 4 Best Known Blackjack Variations Around the World

Introduction: 4 Blackjack Variations Around the World
When you sit down at the blackjack table, you should only have one objective in mind. That is to beat the dealer. Whether you’re sitting at real-life casinos to win the jackpot, or on your sofa at home playing an online version of the game, this objective will remain the same. Also, it doesn’t matter if you’re playing in the US, Asia, or Europe, you still have to beat the dealer. Though all these blackjack variations do share the same goal, there are plenty of differences in the means of getting there. Let’s have a look at those key parts that differ from game to game.
The No-Hole-Card Rule
In the US, no-hole-card blackjack variations say that the dealer can’t reveal his second card until all the other players have first acted on their own hands. We should point out that many players have the mistaken belief that this will give the house a bigger edge because they think the dealer has greater odds of going bust if lower cards are dealt. But the math here is faulty. There’s absolutely no difference from a statistical perspective. The odds don’t change whether the dealer chooses to take or not take a second card after all the other players are done.
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The No-Hole-Card in Europe
In a no-hole-card game, there is something that will affect the odds, and that’s when the player loses when doubling-down and splitting on a hand that sees the dealer has a second card that’s results in the dealer getting a blackjack. In fact, this is a relatively common scenario when playing the European blackjack variations of the no-hole-card rule. It also increases the house edge by 0.11%, though this can depend on the specific rules put into play. It’ll also increase your jackpot winning chances.
There are a number of strategic moves that the player can make using the European no-hole-card rule. Especially in a multi-deck game. Keep in mind that these blackjack variations will change depending on whether the dealer reveals an Ace or a 10, as the dealer percentage will rise,….and the game features:
Hitting a pair of Aces against the dealer’s Ace
Hitting a hard 11 against a dealer’s 10
Hitting a pair of eights against a dealer’s 10 and Ace
American Rules
Dealer’s Face-Up Card/Player Hand 10 Ace
Hard 11 Double Hit
Ace and Ace Split Split
8 and 8 Split Split
European Rules
Dealer’s Face-Up Card/Player Hand 10 Ace
Hard 11 Hit Hit
Ace and Ace Split Hit
8 and 8 Hit Hit
Remember that this strategy for European blackjack variations rules is based around there being no surrender option.
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What is “surrender?” It means that once you’ve compared your first two cards with the dealer’s up-card, you can still make the choice to give up half your initial wager if you find that you have a weak hand. Essentially it ensures that you don’t finish the round with anything. After all, no one wants to finish their jackpot games empty-handed. You probably will be hard-pushed to find any type of surrender in an online game. But if you happen to be playing in a brick-and-mortar casino, then you’re required to alert both the dealer and the other players of your intention to surrender. Now, following on with surrender, there are two types in blackjack:
Blackjack Variations: Late Surrender
With this, you may surrender providing that the dealer’s face card is either an Ace or a ten. But it can only happen after the dealer has checked their hole cards to see if they have a blackjack. Now, if it turns out that the dealer does have a blackjack, then the option to be able to surrender is voided and you’ll lose the whole amount wagered. Unless, of course, you happen to have a blackjack.
In the US casinos where multiple decks are used to play blackjack, then there are a couple of strategic rules which apply to late surrender when the dealer stands on a soft 17:
Surrender hard 16 (not soft; 8-8) against a dealer’s 9, 10, or Ace face-up card.
Surrender hard 15 (only 8-7 if using 8+ decks) against the dealer’s 10 face-up card.
If used correctly, the late surrender can bring the house edge own by around 0.07% in the blackjack variations multi-deck games. Let’s be frank here, on the face of it, this seems like a trifling amount. But you have to keep in mind that in all casino games, any drop in the house edge is a positive. It another of our jackpot winning tips and tricks. Every little bit counts.
Blackjack Variations: Early Surrender
You’re going to find this option in casinos outside the US continent. It’s much more popular in casinos in Europe and Asia. In this, the dealer doesn’t show his hole-card until everyone else sitting around the games table ave completed their hands. This is the reason that this is known in Europe as the “European no-hole-card” rule. With early surrender, you have the option to surrender to the dealer, when his up card is either an Ace or a ten-card. But before he has checked to see if he has a blackjack. Between the early and the late surrender, the early one is more favorable to the player. In fact around twice as favorable.
If you’re playing a game with six decks, then you’ll gain an extra house edge of 0.39% where the dealer already has an Ace. Now with the European blackjack variations of the muti-deck game, the basic strategy for playing with early surrender is not the same as the strategy used in late surrender. If early surrender is an option, then you should surrender the following hands:
Surrender hard 14, 15, and 16, including 7s and 8s against a dealer’s ten.
Surrender hard 5, 6, and 7 (as well as 3s), and 12 to 17 (including 6s, 7s, and 8s) against a dealer’s Ace.
Surrender hard 10-6 and 9-7 (not 8s) against a dealer’s 9.
Surrender Allows Better Bankroll Control
Remember that you can only surrender against the dealer’s face-up card if it’s a ten in most European and Asian casinos. The Ace is not an option. Though we can see that the surrender option does have a positive effect on the house edge, it’s also of paramount importance with blackjack variations if you happen to be a card counter. By adopting this jackpot winning strategy as part of your card counting routine, you’ll have better control over your bankroll. It can also help you rebalance any losses, especially when you know that you have zero chance against the dealer hold-hand.
The surrender option, along with hole-cards is what makes blackjack different depending on where you are in the world. It doesn’t matter which style you wish to play, as each offers something slightly different. But none of them will take anything away from the fun of playing. If you were to make a comparison between surrender games and those blackjack variations that don’t offer this option, then you’ll see that playing surrender blackjack is a much better means for controlling too many fluctuations around your bankroll.
If you’re going to be playing in the casino, then we suggest that you make a habit to actively seek out surrender blackjack variations. You’ll be able to see firsthand if these small but significant rules make a difference to you. But if you’re playing online you will find it hard to find surrender games. We suggest you stick with the traditional blackjack at a great online casino like True Flip Casino. They have a massive variety of casino games, along with easy deposit and cash-out methods.
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