Craps Glossary: Learn the Lingo and Beat the Odds
Craps Glossary
Craps online is without a doubt among the top dice games to play on online casinos. However, first-time players often overlook the game as it’s thought to be a difficult game to follow and win. Fortunately, with our Craps Glossary, you’ll be virtually walking up to the craps table with confidence in no time.
Aces: According to our Craps Glossary, this is a bet that the next roll will be the total sum of 2. This also goes by the name of Snake Eyes.
Any Craps: A one-roll bet that the next roll will be 2, 3 or 12.
Any Seven: A one-roll bet that the next roll will be 7.
Back Line: According to our Craps Glossary, this is another name for the Don’t Pass Line.
Big Eight: A bet that an 8 will be thrown before a 7 is rolled.
Big Six: A bet that a 6 will be thrown before a 7 is rolled.
Big Red: Another name referring to a bet on any Any Seven.
Boxcars: A bet that two 6s (a total of 12) will be thrown in the next roll.
Boxman: This is the name the supervisor in a game of Craps who sits in between the Delears and opposite the Stickman. A Boxman is responsible for guarding the chips at the Craps table.
Box Numbers: These refer to the place bet numbers of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10.
Buffalo: A bet on each Hardway and Any Seven.
Buy Bet: This is a 5% commission paid to the casino to play with corrected odds of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10.
C&E Bet: A one-roll bet that the on the next roll of dice being Any Craps or 11.
Center Bets: These are proposition bets which are place in the middle of the Craps table between the Hardway and One Roll Bets.
Cold Dice: A term used to describe the Craps Table when no Shooter is making their Point.
Cold Table: A term used when no Shooter is winning at the Craps table. Furthermore, few shooters are making their Point at the table.
Come Bet: According to our Craps Glossary, this is the same as the Pass Line Bet. However, a bet is made after the Come Out Roll.
Come Box: This is the area on the Craps table where players can place a Come Bet.
Come Out Roll: This refers to the first roll of the game which determines the Point for Pass and Don’t Pass Line Bets.
Craps: This is when a Shooter rolls a 2, 3, or 12 on the Come Out Roll.
Craps Numbers: This is a the number 2, 3, and 12.
Craps Out: This refers to a rolling a Craps on the Come Out Roll.
Crew: This refers to the casino employees managing the Craps table. These include the two Dealers, a Boxman and a Stickman.
Dealer: The two casino employees who manage the players’ payouts and also assist them in making bets.
Don’t Come Bet: A bet made after the Come Out Roll and against the shooter on a 7 appearing before rolling the Point.
Don’t Pass Bar: This refers to the Area on the Craps table to play Don’t Pass Bets.
Don’t Pass Bet: A bet against the Shooter that the Come Out Roll will be 2, 3 or 12.
Double Odds: These odds double the initial Pass Line, Come and Don’t Come Bets.
Easy Roll: This refers to a dice roll of a 4, 6, 8, or 10 where each die is different.
Edge: This is the advantage (expressed as a percentage) a casino has over any bets placed by a player. According to our Craps Glossary, this also goes by the name of House Edge.
Eyeballs: This is Craps table lingo used to refer to the roll of a dice of 2.

Field Bet: This a bet that the next roll will be a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12.
Free Odds Bet: This is a wager on the Pass, Don’t Pass, Come, Don’t Come bets after the initial roll at True Odds.
Front Line Bet: This refers to the area on the Craps table to place a Pass Line Bet.
Green: A slang word for a Field Bet.
George: A slang word referring to a very generous tipper in a live casino.
Hardway: According to our Craps Glossary, this is when a number is rolled as a double.
Hardway Bet: A bet on a 4, 6, 8, or 10 thrown as pairs before the shooter rolls Easy and a 7.
Hi-Lo: A one-roll bet that the next roll will be 2 or 12.
Hi-Lo-Yo: A one-roll bet that the next roll will be a 2, 11 or 12.
Hop Bet: A one-roll bet on a particular dice combination.
Horn Bet: A one-roll bet that the next roll will be 2, 3, 11, or 12.
Horn High Bet: This is similar to a Horn Bet. However, in this case, Craps players should place 5 individual bets instead of four on each on the 2, 3, 11, or 12.
Hot Table: A Craps table most of the players are making the Point.
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Inside Bet: A bet on a 5, 6, 8, and 9.
Inside Numbers: These refer to Place Number Bets 5, 6, 8, and 9.
Insurance Bet: When a player makes two or more bets to cover or insure one another if one loses.
Lay Bet: A bet that a Point Number will not be rolled before a 7 is thrown.
Lay Odds: An extra odds bet placed on the Don’t Come and Don’t Pass Bet which offers True Odds and no House Edge.
Layout: The area of the Craps table where players can place their bets.
Line Bet: Another term for the Pass Line or Don’t Pass Bet.
Little Joe: This is Craps table slang for a pair of 2s of a Hard 4.
Marker Puck: A plastic disk which dealers use in live casinos to indicate which points are On and Off on Craps table.
Midnight: This is slang for 12 or a bet that the next roll will be a 12
Natural: When a shooter rolls a 7 or 11 on the Come Out Roll

Odds Bet: An additional bet placed behind the Pass, Come, Don’t Pass, and Don’t Come Bets. According to our Craps Glossary, this bet has no House Edge and is paid at True Odds.
Off: This refers to certain bets which will be safe in the next roll of the dice
On: This refers to the best which are in action in the next roll of the dice.
One Roll Bets: A bet where the outcome is determined by only by the next roll of dice
Outside Numbers: These refer to Place Number Bets 4, 5, 9, and 10.
Parley: This when a player increases their bet amount by adding their winnings to an original bet.
Pass Line Bet: A bet made on the Come Out Roll where players bet if the Shooter will make the Point.
Place Bet: A bet that a Place Number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10) will be rolled before a 7.
Place Numbers: These are numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10
Playing the Field: A bet that the next roll will be a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 or 12.
Point: This refers to the number established by the Come Out Roll
Point Number: This refers to one of the numbers from 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10 which are determined on the Come Out Roll.
Press a Bet: To double or Parley a bet.
Rail: This refers to the grooved area on top of the Craps table where players can store their chips.
Right Bettor: A player betting on whether or not the Shooter will pass or win on the Come Out Roll or make the Point.
Sequence Bet: This refers to a bet that can take more than one roll to determine the outcome.
Seven Out: This is when a 7 is rolled before the Point Number and after a Point has been established.
Shooter: According to our Craps Glossary, this is the name for the player who rolls the dice.
Snake Eyes: This is another term used to describe when a player rolls a 2 in Craps
Stickman: This is one of the casino employees who are responsible for handling and calling out the dice number.

True Odds: A bet that any given number will come up on any roll of the dice.
Vigorish: This refers to the commission the casino takes on particular bets.
Working Bet: This refers to an active bet or a bet that in On for the next roll of the dice.
Wrong Bettor: A bet made by a player against the Shooter that the dice will not pass or that the player will not make the Point.
Yo: This is the name for 11 and also goes by the name of Yo-Leven.
Hopefully, you’re now prepared to try your luck on the Craps tables thanks to our Craps Glossary. Furthermore, be sure to check out our How to Play Craps Guide to better your chances on the best jackpot sites. Lastly, don’t miss out on the opportunity to expand your online casino knowledge with our jackpot terms and Compete Gambling Glossary.
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